Affordable Electric Vehicle Charging: Exploring the Evolving Terrain

Especially since both private individuals and companies can currently purchase their own charging stations on extremely favorable terms.
September 1 the five-year obligation to provide free charging services for electric cars at the 27 stations of the company “Via Lietuva” installed with EU funds ended. From now on, the price of electricity per kilowatt hour at these 50 kW power stations, located near the main roads, is 0.46 euros.

This means that drivers have lost the opportunity to recharge their electric car batteries for free.

However, Julius Areška, head of the private customer segment of the green energy solutions company Enefit, notes that although Lithuanians will no longer be able to enjoy the opportunity to charge their electric cars for free, installing a station near their home can save a lot of money.

In addition, until the end of September, residents can still use state support to purchase charging stations. Depending on the power of the selected station and the installation location, the compensation can reach up to 60 percent. device prices.

Enefit photo/Julius Areška

Smart solutions help you save

“However, savings can also be made by using public charging stations. Electric car drivers should only know that the prices in them depend primarily on the power of the stop – the more powerful it is, the more you have to pay,” explains Julius Areška.

At the same time, he emphasizes that powerful stations save time, since energy replenishment takes place faster in them. For example, the latest electric cars can be charged for a 200-250 km trip in just 5-7 minutes at 320 kW power stations.

J. Areška calculates that depending on the power of the station, the difference in charging price can reach more than a third, but with the constant growth of the public charging network, consumers have more and more options to choose – faster or cheaper.

“You always need to estimate how much time you have and how much energy you will need to cover the further route of the day. It may be possible to choose the station that has less power, but it also costs less per kilowatt-hour of electricity. Especially if you have the opportunity to charge the vehicle near the office or another place where you will spend a longer period of time”, the expert points out.

At that time, when charging at home, the energy required by the electric car will always cost as much as indicated in your electricity supply plan. And if it is linked to prices on the exchange, you can use smart solutions and charge your vehicle when energy costs the least.

“And it certainly does not mean that it will be necessary to constantly monitor prices on the exchange, to somehow plan recharges specifically, because there are smart solutions that do all this for users. All you have to do is connect the electric car to the charger and the system will automatically charge it, then electricity will cost the least,” advises the head of Enefit’s private customer segment.
He points out that consumers who have installed solar power plants and use the electricity generated in real time to charge electric cars can drive their vehicles completely free of charge.

“If you can only charge the electric car at the stations installed at home in the evening or at night, when the generation in the solar power plants does not take place, there is a solution for this – energy accumulators, where you can store the electricity produced during the day and later use it to charge the electric car,” says Julius Areška.

Support is still available

Enefit’s representative points out that some electric car drivers still often charge their vehicles using a household electrical outlet, but this choice is extremely inefficient. First of all, it can take up to 20 hours or more to fully charge a car battery using a household outlet. In addition, such a choice is not safe – charging an electric car uses all possible power, so the power line experiences a heavy load, the wires can start to heat up and cause a fire in the house.

Therefore, according to him, electric car drivers should think about purchasing stations, because they significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the vehicle, and the investment is not high.

For example, conventional 11 kW or 22 kW power stations for private users can be purchased for 800 euros. Such stations are quite enough to charge an electric car in a few hours. An electric car with a 60 kWh battery, such as the Volkswagen ID. 4″ 22 kW power station from 0 to 100 percent. would be charged in about 3 hours, and with an 11 kW station – in just over 5 hours.

Until the end of September, residents can still take advantage of the invitation of the Lithuanian Energy Agency and apply for state support for the purchase and installation of private charging stations for electric cars. This support can be up to 60%. station prices.

In addition, grants for legal entities wishing to install charging stations for themselves or their clients were increased at the beginning of September. Instead of the previous 30 percent. funding, businesses and public institutions can now receive a grant of up to 50%.

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#Free #electricity #charge #electric #car #cheaply #Business
2024-09-13 18:29:53

What are the best smart solutions for saving money on electric‍ car charging stations?

Here⁤ is a comprehensive ⁤and SEO-optimized⁤ article on the topic of⁣ electric car charging stations:

Title: “Charging ⁤Ahead: How to Save Money on Electric Car Charging Stations”

Meta Description: ​Learn how to save money​ on electric car charging stations, including how ⁤to choose⁢ the right ‌station, utilize smart solutions, and take advantage of state support.

Keyword Tags: electric car charging stations, saving money,‌ smart solutions, state support, charging at home,‌ public charging network


As the world shifts⁤ towards electric​ vehicles, one ⁣of the biggest concerns for drivers is the cost⁤ of charging their cars. Until⁣ recently, drivers in Lithuania enjoyed​ free charging⁤ services at 27 stations ⁣installed with EU funds. However, ⁣as of September 1, the price‍ of electricity per kilowatt⁣ hour at ​these stations increased to 0.46 euros. ​While this ‍may seem ​like a ⁣setback, there​ are⁢ still ways for drivers to save money on ‍electric car charging stations.

Smart Solutions Help‌ You Save

Julius Areška,⁢ head ‍of the private customer segment of Enefit,​ notes that savings can be made⁢ by using public⁢ charging stations. “Electric car drivers ‌should only know that the prices in them depend primarily on the power⁣ of the stop‍ – the more powerful it is, the ​more you have to ⁢pay,” he explains. However, ‍powerful stations save time, ⁣as energy replenishment takes place faster in them.‌ For example, the latest electric cars can be⁤ charged for a 200-250 km trip in just 5-7 minutes at 320 kW power stations.

Charging at Home

Installing a charging station near your home can also save ⁤you money. Until the end of September, residents can still use ​state support ⁣to purchase charging stations, with compensation reaching up to 60 percent ‌of the device price. Depending on the power of the ⁤selected station and the installation location, the investment is not high, and the returns can‌ be significant.

Support is Still Available

Enefit’s representative points out that some electric car drivers still often charge their vehicles using a household electrical outlet, but this choice is ⁣extremely inefficient and unsafe. Therefore, electric​ car ‍drivers should ⁢think about purchasing stations, ‍which significantly reduce the cost ‍of maintaining the vehicle.

State ⁣Support

Until the end ​of September, residents can still take advantage​ of the invitation of the Lithuanian Energy Agency and apply for state support for⁤ the purchase and installation of private charging stations⁢ for electric cars. This support can​ be up to 60 percent of ⁢the station price. Additionally, grants for legal entities wishing to ⁤install charging stations for themselves or their clients were increased at the beginning of⁢ September, ‌with ⁢funding⁣ reaching up to 50 ⁤percent.


while‍ the days of free charging may be over, there are still ways to save money on electric⁣ car charging stations. By utilizing smart⁣ solutions, charging at home, and​ taking advantage of⁢ state support, ‍drivers can minimize their costs and enjoy‍ the benefits of⁢ electric vehicle ⁤ownership.

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Charging costs over time.

The Ultimate Guide to EV Charging Stations: Saving Money and Time

As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. One of the biggest concerns for EV owners is finding convenient and affordable charging solutions. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of installing a private EV charging station, the advantages of public charging stations, and smart solutions to help you save money on EV charging.

Private EV Charging Stations: A Cost-Effective Solution

With the increasing demand for EVs, governments and companies are offering incentives for individuals and businesses to purchase their own charging stations. In Lithuania, for example, residents can still use state support to purchase charging stations until the end of September, with compensation reaching up to 60% of device prices [3[3]. Julius Areška, head of the private customer segment of Enefit, notes that installing a station near your home can save a lot of money in the long run.

Public EV Charging Stations: A Convenient Alternative

While private charging stations offer convenience and cost savings, public charging stations are becoming increasingly popular. According to Julius Areška, public charging stations can be a convenient alternative, especially for those who don’t have access to private charging stations [1[1]. However, the prices in public charging stations depend primarily on the power of the station, with more powerful stations costing more.

Smart Solutions for Saving Money on EV Charging

So, how can you save money on EV charging? Here are some smart solutions:

Charge when energy costs the least: If your electricity supply plan is linked to prices on the exchange, you can use smart solutions to charge your vehicle when energy costs the least.

Install solar power plants: Consumers who have installed solar power plants can use the electricity generated in real-time to charge their electric cars, essentially driving their vehicles for free.

Use energy accumulators: If you can only charge your electric car at home in the evening or at night, energy accumulators can store the electricity produced during the day and later use it to charge your electric car.

The Benefits of EV Charging Stations

EV charging stations offer several benefits, including:

Convenience: EV charging stations provide a convenient and hassle-free way to charge your vehicle.

Time-saving: Powerful EV charging stations can recharge your vehicle in a matter of minutes, saving you time and energy.

Cost-effective: Private EV charging stations and smart solutions can help you save money on



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