AfD politician wanted in Bavaria with an arrest warrant

2023-10-28 10:11:09

A spokesman for the investigative authority confirmed this to the German Press Agency (dpa) on Saturday. “For tactical reasons, we don’t want to say anything about the exact accusation or the reason for the arrest,” said the spokesman. Halemba has not yet been found.

Halemba could not immediately be reached for comment on Saturday. The AfD had already announced on Friday that one of its MPs was wanted with an arrest warrant, but without mentioning the name. “An arrest warrant has been issued against a newly elected AfD member of the Bavarian state parliament,” she said simply. This should be “imprisoned on a flimsy justification,” emphasized AfD parliamentary group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner.

Members of parliament generally enjoy immunity. However, this will only begin to take effect with the constituent meeting next Monday. The 22-year-old Halemba would be the youngest politician in Bavaria’s state parliament. The new state parliament is scheduled to be constituted on Monday. It is currently unclear whether the arrest warrant against him can be executed by then.

It became known some time ago that the public prosecutor’s office was investigating him and other members of the student association “Burschenschaft Teutonia Prague zu Würzburg”. There was a raid there in September. There were allegations such as incitement to hatred and the use of symbols of anti-constitutional organizations. According to the public prosecutor’s office, there was a suspicion that there could be objects with signs of the National Socialist Party (NSDAP) as well as stickers and writings of a racist nature in the fraternity’s fraternity house.


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