Aerolíneas Chief Slams “Brutal” Strike and Reveals Pilots’ Salaries

Fabián Lombardo, president of Aerolíneas Argentinas (Gustavo Gavotti)

Another day impossible to fly. The pilots’ union is carrying out a strike that affected 150 flights and 15 thousand passengers. The measure is led by Pablo Biró, a leader linked to La Cámpora who has been the general secretary of APLA for 12 years.

Fabián Lombardo, president of Aerolíneas Argentinas, one of the companies affected by the strike, described the strike as “savage.” “The unions have not understood that Argentina has changed,” he said.

According to what he said in a conversation with journalist Eduardo Feinmann on Mitre radio, the union members unexpectedly broke the negotiating table with the strike, where they were negotiating salary increases within the framework of the collective bargaining agreements of the sector. The pilots are demanding a 70% increase and the company is offering 11%.

“They compare their salary with that of the industry, but the company’s chances depend on the company improving and they also have enormous benefits that do not exist in other companies,” Lombardo revealed.

According to him, the pilots who answer to Biró and will be on strike until 2 pm this Friday earn between 3 and 10 million pesos per month, depending on their seniority and the number of trips they make. The average salary is $5,200,000 per month.

Pilots also have guaranteed business class tickets for themselves and their families. They have taxis that pick them up from their homes and transport them at all times. They enjoy longer vacations than those provided for in aviation regulations and do not work on their birthday.

Another day of strikes at Aeroparque (Photo: Adrián Escándar)

Aerolíneas Argentina’s salary increase offer follows the Casa Rosada’s guidelines for state-owned companies in a context in which the company is seeking to become more efficient after years of operating deficits.

In 2023, for example, Aerolíneas Argentinas lost USD390 million (more than a million dollars per day). The new management managed to improve the result by 73%, but still has a deficit of USD73 million.

That work included staff reductions through voluntary retirements and negotiations with employees. The plant went from 11,926 employees at the end of 2023 to 10,500 today. And further negotiations are underway to remove another 100 people by the end of the year.

There was also a reduction in unprofitable routes such as the operation to New York, which was generating losses. In return, a low-cost night service was launched – which will begin in October – and new routes to the Caribbean.

Lombardo said that during the strike there will be inspectors from the Ministry of Labor checking the attitude of the employees. The union claims that it is holding “meetings” to cover up what is really a strike that prevents most companies from operating. “The inspectors will draw up the corresponding minutes and then the secretary will decide,” Lombardo said.

“Mr. Biró has to understand that the situation has changed and the company must continue on its course in order to be able to fly,” he added.

Lombardo said that the government intends to privatize the company, but the initiative was left out of the Basic Law voted by Congress. For now, the goal is to bring it to a point of equilibrium so that it can then become profitable in an “extremely competitive” market. “We have to bring the company to the best possible state so that taxpayers stop putting money into it,” he concluded.

The strike forced the airline to lift the penalties for changing tickets to compensate the more than 15,000 people who had flights scheduled for this morning. With the departure of at least 150 flights cancelled, the company asked passengers not to show up at the terminals during the protest time slot.

Here is a related PAA question ⁤for the title “Fabián Lombardo: The President of Aerolíneas Argentinas Leading the Company’s Transformation”:

Fabián Lombardo: The President of⁤ Aerolíneas Argentinas Leading⁣ the ‌Company’s Transformation

Fabián Lombardo is the current‍ president​ and general manager ⁤of Aerolíneas Argentinas, the Argentine flag carrier airline. With a vast experience in the aviation industry, Lombardo ⁣has been ⁢instrumental in leading the company’s transformation towards a ⁣more efficient and profitable future.

Background and Career

Lombardo has a long history in⁤ the aviation industry, having started his​ career at Varig, where he held​ multiple positions. Prior to becoming⁣ the president ⁣of Aerolíneas Argentinas, he served as⁤ the ⁣Director of Commercial, Planning, and Strategy [[2]]. His extensive experience ‌and knowledge of the industry have⁤ equipped him with the‍ necessary⁢ skills to navigate the complexities of the airline business.

Leadership and Challenges

As the president of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Lombardo has faced numerous⁤ challenges, ‌including strikes and protests from union members.⁣ In a recent strike, he described the union’s actions as “savage” and⁤ emphasized the need for the company to adapt to the changing landscape of ‌Argentina’s⁢ economy [[3]]. Under his leadership, the company‍ has implemented measures to reduce ‍costs and increase efficiency, such as staff reductions and ​the elimination of unprofitable routes.

Efforts to Transform Aerolíneas Argentinas

Lombardo’s vision for Aerolíneas‌ Argentinas is to transform it‌ into a more efficient and profitable airline. To⁤ achieve this, he has implemented‌ various initiatives, including​ the launch of a low-cost night service and new routes to the Caribbean. These efforts have already shown⁢ promising results, with the company reducing its deficit by 73% in 2023 ⁣ [[1]].

Privatization‍ and Future Plans

Lombardo has expressed the government’s intention to ​privatize Aerolíneas Argentinas, a move that he believes will benefit the company and the country as a whole. Despite the challenges ahead, Lombardo remains committed to leading the company towards a brighter future.


Fabián Lombardo is a seasoned professional⁣ with a ⁢deep​ understanding‍ of the ⁤aviation industry. As the president of Aerolíneas Argentinas, he has demonstrated his ability to navigate complex​ challenges and implement effective solutions. ⁣Under ⁣his leadership, the company​ is⁤ poised to become a more efficient and profitable airline, ready to face‌ the opportunities and challenges of the future.





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Fabián Lombardo: The President of Aerolíneas Argentinas Leading the Company’s Transformation

Fabián Lombardo is the current president and general manager of Aerolíneas Argentinas, the Argentine flag carrier airline. With a vast experience in the aviation industry, Lombardo has been instrumental in leading the company’s transformation towards a more efficient and profitable future.

Background and Career

Lombardo has a long history in the aviation industry, having started his career at Varig, where he held multiple positions. Prior to becoming the president of Aerolíneas Argentinas, he served as the Director of Commercial, Planning, and Strategy [[2]]. His extensive experience and knowledge of the industry have equipped him with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of the airline business.

Leadership and Challenges

As the president of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Lombardo has faced numerous challenges,



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