Aena clashes with insurers and leaves the health insurance of 8,500 employees in the air

Aena clashes with insurers and leaves the health insurance of 8,500 employees in the air

Aena and Enaire workers will not know at the moment which company they will be able to obtain their health insurance from 2025. The Spanish airport management company and its largest shareholder belonging to the Government They have not received any offers from insurers to cover the services of healthcare and surgical insurance policies.

The tender, which was launched last August and worth 38.4 million euros, consisted of an initial contract of 12.8 million euros – that is, at a rate of 6.4 million annually – had the option to be extended for three more years, which would increase the premium to a maximum of 7.7 million annually.

Until the end of 2024, Asisa is the insurer in charge of these services. Enrique de Porres’ company welcomed, at the end of 2023, more than 8,500 employees that, for next year, they still do not know who their supplier will be.

To that figure we must also add the relatives of the workers themselves.who also had the possibility of joining the policy, although of the latter it is unknown how many have taken out the insurance. The maximum budget closed for each Aena and Enaire worker was 454.92 euros per year, and for their relatives it was 486 euros plus another three euros co-payment. On the other hand, for retirees and former employees, the annual premium varied depending on age, with a minimum of 45.58 euros per month –546.96 per year– up to 138.73 euros per month –1,664.76 per year.

New conditions

For this year, the unit premium per insured amounted to 527 euros per year, being the same for the workers of both companies. In the case of family members, the technical specifications included conditions of 578.81 plus three euros co-payment per year. As in other groups, the premium for retirees and former employees has increased up to 10 euros per month for the youngest – up to 44 years old – and by almost 30 euros for those over 65 years of age.

From Asisa, however, they point out that the public offer made by Aena and Enaire together “has not been attractive”, which is why they did not participate in the bid this year, without giving more details on the matter.

This insurer has been covering the private health services of these employees since 2020. In those four years, the company took, according to the last modification of the contract registered on the public contracting platform, 11.1 million euros, which, adjusted to the annual premium charged by Asisa, implies income of 2.78 million.

Now a new scenario opens up, since Aena affirms that “workers will not be left without insurance.” The company may launch another tender with new conditions, or it may reach an agreement with an insurer outside of public procurement, and which may possibly involve a higher premium.

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