Aegio Dance Club: A summer full of activities

Full of images and impressions, the members of the Aegio Dance Club returned from Bosnia-Herzegovina in July, thus completing their 47th trip abroad.

The 40-member team of dancers, the majority of which consisted of Agiotopoulos traveling for the 1st time outside of Greece, represented our country at the Kozara Ethno Festival 2024 (Cioff festival) which took place in and around the city of Banja Luka in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while the mission spent the night en route in the Serbian cities of Belgrade and Niš. The dance team was accompanied by 4 members of the Board of Directors as well as the 3 dance teachers X. Vagena, A. Konstantinidou and G. Katsivelos. Within the framework of the festival and during the performances in Banja Luca and Piskavica, there was a stand for the promotion of our local products, curated by the ladies of the council. We want to thank the businesses of our city: I.K. Anastasopoulos “KRINOS”, CAVINO AE, 3E – coca cola, Paneigialios Union of Cooperatives, Vosticana – Dimitrios Yovas, Angeliki Spyropoulou, Christos Diamantopoulos and D. Vourderis and SIA OE who offered goods both for our booth and for the route. The president of the group had the opportunity to exchange gifts and promotional materials of our region with both the Banja Luca municipal authority and the leaders of the other groups during the meeting at the City Hall.

Performances at Semantron

During the summer, Horeftikos gave 2 performances at the Simandron Hotel in Eleonas Diakoptos. On Friday, July 19, he presented dances from all over Greece with groups of young dancers, while on Friday, August 9, a group of young and adult dancers presented traditional and folk dances. Accompanying dance teacher Ms. Chryssa Vagena.

Participation in the Assumption celebration

The Dance Club of Aigio, in the context of the celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin, attended with a section of adult dancers and members of the Board, on Wednesday, August 14, at the vespers and then had an active role in the procession of the Holy Icon from the Holy Church of Faneromeni Aigio through Meletopoulos, Vass. Konstantinou, Panagiotopoulos and Mitropoleos streets, since his dancers had the blessing to lift the holy icon on their shoulders during the procession.

Participating in the 20th Pangalavritin Adamoma

The Dance Club of Aigio, invited by the Pangalavrytine Association of Patras to the events of the 20th Pangalavrytine Association on the two days of August 16 and 17, presented dances with a section of its adult dancers accompanied by the president of the Board of Directors. Mr. Giorgos Nikolopoulos, the treasurer Mr. Panagiotis Platanos and the dance teacher Mr. Chrysa Vagena, on Friday August 16th in the square of Kertezis Kalavryton, fulfilling the promise he had given last year to the Cletoria, to the permanent president of the Association of Kertezis Ms. Georgia Hasapopoulou. We thank the organizers for the invitation, the beautiful event and the impeccable hospitality.

Participation in the performance “At … the wedding of Karagiozis”

The Aigio Dance Club, as part of the events of the “Cultural Summer 2024”, participated with a large group and accompanied by Mrs. Chrysa Vagena, on Wednesday, August 28, in the performance of the Shadow Theater of Babis and Kostas Makris, which was held in the outdoor theater “G. Pappas”, entitled “To ….the wedding of Karagiozis” and accompanied by live music from a three-piece orchestra. After the end of the show, there was a folk feast for the wedding guests with the participation of young and old.

Start of Registration and Courses

For the 47th consecutive year, the Aigio Dance Club invites to its dance family all those who love traditional dances and Greek folk culture. For information and registrations for the dance classes (children, teenagers and adults) you can visit us at the Club’s offices, Meletopoulon 6 Aigio or call 2691020450, daily 19:00 to 21:00, except Saturdays and Sundays from 16 to 27 September 2024. The dance teachers of the group teach: Chrysa Vagena, Athina Konstantinidou and Giorgos Katsivelos (all gymnasts graduated from TEFAA with a specialty in traditional dance). The start of the courses will be on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

#Aegio #Dance #Club #summer #full #activities



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