They warn of increase in poaching of dairy cows on rural roads in Neuquén

2024-10-14 22:00:00

Livestock theft and clandestine slaughter are on the rise in Neuquen, as ranchers warn.They said the situation affected them as rural producers.

In areas that have not been targeted by c beforeSneaky hunter, like the road to La Rinconada Bridge, More and more cases are being recorded, causing financial losses, insecurity and fear for producers.

Furthermore, the lack of effective control over routes and towns promotes the informal sale of meat, whose prices tend to be lower due to the economic crisis. However, andThis meat does not have the necessary health controls, which poses a risk to public health.

Producers noted that despite complaints, Judicial action is insufficient because theft (theft of livestock) is a releasable offense and investigations are rarely successful.Enzan

Meat is cheaper but has health risks

The sale of illegally slaughtered meat has become commonplace in cities, a situation exacerbated by the economic crisis. The Rural Association of Neuquen requests urgent intervention from the authorities to intensify patrols,Increase control of routes and coordinate with security forces to protect producers and consumers.

Very rough, they are everywhere“,dice Arturo Matarazzoa producer near Junin de los Andes. “We are very concerned about the increasing cases of cattle rustling and poaching in our area,” he added.

Covert work, previously limited to certain areas, is expanding. Diego Garcia Rambo He recalled: “They slaughtered a pregnant cow, leaving only the legs and head; last night it was a calving cow. For years nothing happened and now it is worse. The secret slaughter increased and the meat Sales also increased.

Producers have reported a significant increase in such crimes in recent months. Not only did they lose their animals, but they also faced damage to their infrastructuresuch as breaking wires and stealing doors.

Santiago Bustillo, producer of Zapalahe said even if They stole 14 bulls from a fence 600 meters from their home. While he and his wife were present.

Livestock theft affects not only producers but also consumers. In cities, meat from illegal slaughter sells cheaper, Many times, the economic crisis drives people to get it through social networks or orders.

However, this meat does not have adequate quality or health controls.s, which poses a risk to public health.

Cecilia De Larminat, president of Neuquen Rural Association, explained that informal sales are a common problem. “The lack of control and the almost absolute freedom to sell the famous ‘cut’ makes it difficult to find criminals,” he points out.

Filmmakers agree that a lack of judicial action, combined with poor route control, has led to a multiplication of these crimes. Guillermo Facht, from Neuquen South, He said: “This year they have killed more than 21 animals in the fields. Rustling is the main cause of animal death in the area and the economic losses are huge.

In addition to financial losses and health risks, producers face a climate of insecurity and fear. “They killed two heifers and a cow on the same day, apparently to sell them secretly.“Fakht said.

Meat slaughtered on site is sold through vehicles

Although criminals can be identified in some cases, the lack of effective sanctions hinders reporting. Bertil Hoepke mentioned: “Failure of food processing controls and the meat is sold through city vehicles without any type of health safety”.

Producers are demanding more resources for rural police and greater access to justice. ““They captured a criminal during our arrest and then released him,” Hopke lamented, stressing that this type of crime can be a precursor to more serious crimes.

from Neuquén rural association asks authorities to intervene Provincial authorities are scrambling to stem this wave of crime and protect producers who find themselves at a crossroads: wanting to produce more and establish roots on their own land, but facing insecurity, lack of control and resources.

The marketing of illegally slaughtered meat doesn’t just put people’s health at risk.Instead, it creates unfair competition for producers who comply with regulations and bear the costs of production during times of crisis.

Pictures of five defendants in Rocca confirmed to be effectively jailed for cattle rustling and animal cruelty

#warn #increase #poaching #dairy #cows #rural #roads #Neuquén



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