advice from a physiotherapist to exercise without risk

Herniated disc: advice from a physiotherapist for risk-free sports

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Herniated disc: advice from a physiotherapist for risk-free sports

Contrary to what one might think, a herniated disc is not incompatible with physical activity. In the majority of cases, it is quite possible to do so, provided you choose it well. Medisite takes stock with Romain Brial, physiotherapist.

Herniated disc: 4 sports to favor

You suffer from a herniated disc, but you want to continue practicing regular physical activity? Contrary to what one might think, it is quite possible, and even recommended. “Sport is one of the healing and recovery factors of the patient”, explains Romain Brial, physiotherapist and co-founder of Weasyo. “On the other hand, a person who suffers from back pain due to a herniated disc and who decides to stop all physical activities will chronicize these pains. Unwittingly, she will make them last in the long term. And sometimes they can even s’amplifier.” However, it is important to choose the sport you want to practiceas some may be inadvisable.

Back pain: authorized and recommended sports

To resume physical activity, “the key word is relative rest”, says Romain Brial. “The person will have to, above all, learn to adapt. All the same, the chosen sport must allow mobilize the body without causing pain, or at least they must be bearable. Because the goal is to succeed in moving without aggravating the suffering.”

In this case, favor sports without shock:

Walking or hiking

Those are the recommended first activities. “They will allow work the pelvis as well as the muscles of the legs and back”, explains the physiotherapist. “You can even add arm movements, like Nordic walking. It’s a great way to activate the arm and shoulder muscles.”


“But beware, avoid the backstroke. It’s a bad habit, because it’s a technical stroke”, recommends Romain Brial. In effect, it is advisable to do the strokes with which you are most comfortable.

The bike

However, it is important to raise the height of the handlebarsbecause “the position of the back in flexion can, in the long term, lead to pain and stiffness”, warns the doctor.

Yoga or tai-chi

These two activities, which work on flexibility, are also a good way to relieve a herniated disc. Nevertheless, avoid painful positions. “The golden rule is adaptation”, recalls the physiotherapist. “Change your hands, your arms or your body. Try to go slower or change your support. And if, despite everything, the pain persists, change your movement.”

Sport: resume slowly but surely

When you want to resume physical activity after a herniated disc, avoid going too fast or too hard. “Sometimes motivation can be counterproductive,” warns the physiotherapist. “The body will prefer regularity.” Because indeed, it adapts to all constraints, “and from the moment it is exposed to a progressive and regular constraint, the back will strengthen.”

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Sports to avoid to protect the back

No sport is off limits during a herniated disc, but there are some that are strongly discouragedas they may increase the pain. This is particularly the case for combat sports.. “We will ask patients to avoid sports that are a little aggressive, impact or which lead to falls”, recommends Romain Brial. “People who want to resume this kind of activity must wait until their back is properly strengthened.” Sports with shocks or weights such as crossfit, weight training with heavy loads or gymnastics are also not recommended.

Herniated disc: limit shocks and twists

Also avoid team sports such as basketball, volleyball or handball, as well as impact sports (judo). Moreover, despite appearances, running is a fake friend. “You have to adapt. It is for this reason that it is important to return to lower intensity levels, i.e. run less quickly or for less time, to let the back recover”, explains the doctor. “Over the long term, we know that running strengthens the spine and the intervertebral discs, so it’s not something that’s contraindicated. The person just needs to adjust to their level of pain. while being regular and progressive.”

Also refrain from practicing snowshoeing activities (tennis, squash), because they require twisting movements.

4 tips for returning to sport without risk

If you want to resume your physical activities after a herniated disc, you must meet certain conditions:

You no longer need to have pain on a daily basis; The range in your trunk, neck, shoulders and legs should be complete ; It is necessary to have practiced rehabilitation exercises ; the restorative sleep is also essential.

Return to sport: seek advice from a doctor

Nevertheless, it is important to consult a health professional to assess the right time to resume sport. “A herniated disc is not necessarily serious. Many people can be affected without necessarily having pain”, recalls Romain Brial. “On the other hand, the management of the resumption of physical activity is essential.”

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