Adverco, when advertising is placed on delivery trucks

Having recently arrived from Morocco in 2021, Rida Echajia quickly realized the untapped potential in Marseille. He wondered, “Why don’t companies use their delivery trucks as advertising spaces, given that they’re all white?” He spoke with several companies, who preferred to remain anonymous due to their work with multiple clients. Through these conversations, Echajia gained valuable insight. He explained, “Some companies cited profitability issues as a barrier. Drivers, often exhausted, deliver 90 to 100 parcels daily. Their net margins are low, which limits their ability to pay drivers better and expand their fleets.”

Armed with this information, the 25-year-old decided to take action. He founded Adverco, a 2.0 advertising agency specializing in traveling displays. He shared his vision, stating, “I want to make it possible for advertisers to place ads on trucks, a medium that is largely unused. Our aim is to generate surprise and interest among consumers.”

An Environmentally-Focused Approach

To achieve a broad reach, Echajia has implemented a specific strategy. “We target companies with fleets of five to twenty trucks,” he explained. “We want to have only one advertiser per truck for a stronger impact, and we recommend keeping the ad displayed for at least a month to maximize its effectiveness and profitability for the advertiser.”

Harnessing the Power of Mobile : Rida Echajia’s Adverco Revolutionizes Truck Marketing

Rida Echajia, a recent arrival in Marseille, noticed a unique opportunity in the local landscape. The ubiquitous white delivery trucks, a constant presence on the city’s streets, were a blank canvas begging for attention. This simple observation sparked a brilliant idea: Why not utilize these moving billboards to create impactful mobile advertising campaigns?

Adverco: A New Era in Mobile

Adverco, the brainchild of Rida Echajia, is a 2.0 advertising agency specializing in “flocking” – transforming the blank canvas of delivery trucks into eye-catching, mobile advertisements. This unique approach capitalizes on the vast reach of these vehicles, creating a novel way for businesses to connect with consumers.

His initial research, while revealing profitability concerns due to low net margins and the demanding nature of delivery driver schedules, also highlighted the untapped potential of this underutilized advertising medium. Rida recognized that truck fleets, often overlooked for traditional advertising campaigns, represented a valuable and unique space for reaching a wide audience.

An Environmentally Conscious Approach

Adverco’s commitment to sustainability is woven into its core strategy. The agency focuses on partnering with fleets of five to twenty trucks, ensuring a targeted and impactful reach. By partnering with only one advertiser per truck, Adverco creates a powerful and memorable experience for consumers. Additionally, the agency recommends a minimum of one month for each advertising campaign, ensuring both effectiveness and profitability for its partners.

This thoughtful approach minimizes the environmental impact of traditional print advertising while offering an innovative, mobile solution for brands to connect with consumers in their natural environment.

Beyond Traditional : Engaging Consumers on the Go

Adverco’s strategy goes beyond simple branding. The agency understands that capturing attention in a crowded media landscape requires engaging and unexpected experiences. By transforming trucks into captivating advertising canvases, Adverco creates a sense of surprise and intrigue, leaving a lasting impression on consumers.

A Cost-Effective Solution

Adverco’s mobile advertising solution is a cost-effective alternative to traditional advertising methods, particularly for businesses with a local focus. The agency’s unique approach provides a valuable return on investment, reaching a wider audience than traditional billboards or static signage.

The agency’s model also ensures high visibility for its partners, maximizing brand exposure and creating a powerful marketing advantage.

Benefits of Adverco’s Mobile Solution

Adverco’s mobile advertising solution offers numerous advantages for both advertisers and consumers:

  • High Visibility: Trucks are constantly in motion, offering widespread exposure and maximizing brand visibility.
  • Targeting Specific Audiences: Advertisers can target specific geographic areas by customizing routes and maximizing exposure to relevant demographics.
  • Affordable Marketing Solutions: Adverco’s mobile advertising solution offers a cost-effective way for businesses to reach a large audience.
  • Engaging and Memorable : Adverco’s creative and unique approach ensures that advertising campaigns are memorable and impactful.
  • Sustainable Practices: Adverco’s commitment to sustainability minimizes the environmental impact of traditional advertising methods.

First-Hand Experience

Rida Echajia’s initial foray into mobile advertising has proven to be a successful one. Adverco has secured partnerships with several local businesses, helping them to expand their reach and connect with a wider audience. The agency’s dedication to creative and impactful campaigns has established Adverco as a leader in the mobile advertising space.

The Future of Mobile

Adverco’s unique approach to mobile advertising is a testament to the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. The agency’s commitment to innovation and sustainability paves the way for a future where businesses can engage consumers in new and exciting ways.

As Rida Echajia’s vision continues to evolve, Adverco is poised to become a driving force in the revolutionizing advertising landscape, transforming the humble delivery truck into a powerful and captivating advertising platform.



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