Adventurous Woman Quits Job Naked and Travels 22 Cities in 76 Days: Living Life to the Fullest

2023-10-17 09:18:30

A mainland woman quit her job naked and took her savings with her to visit 22 cities in 76 days. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaoxiang Morning News)

A 20-year-old woman from Fuyun City, Guangdong Province, mainland China, recently quit her job and took a deposit of more than 17,000 yuan (approximately NT$75,000) to visit 22 cities in 76 days. She emphasized that she wanted to enjoy the present moment. Lest you worry about more things when you get older and lose the momentum you have now, “There are still decades to strive for in the future, but youth only has so many years, and every age group has a different view of the scenery and things they see when traveling. The mentality and opinions may be different.”

According to the Chinese media “Xiaoxiang Morning News” reported that a woman who was originally working in e-commerce suddenly resigned in March this year and took a deposit of more than 17,000 yuan (approximately NT$75,000) to visit Kunming, Dali, Shangri-La, and Chongqing. City, Changsha City, Xi’an City, Urumqi City and many other cities. In order to save budget, she chose cheap transportation and accommodation. Since she had no clear destination, she made many like-minded friends during the trip, and even traveled together for several days, and they did not separate until they reached their destinations.

The woman said that because she has entered society at the age of 16 and loves to travel, she wants to do what she wants to do and enjoy the present while there is not much pressure. Fortunately, her parents have always been supportive of her decisions. “The future is still there.” You have decades to work hard, but youth only lasts so many years, and each age group may have different mentality and views on the scenery and things they see when traveling.”

When it comes to youth, should we “work hard” or “enjoy freedom”? The woman pointed out that she would focus on enjoying her freedom. “Now there is no need to think about starting a family. Once you have a family and your life is stable, it will be harder to be impulsive and there will be more things to consider. “She also hopes that there will be similar trips in the future, “Maybe in a few years my mind will change. When I am 25 or 6 years old, I may have a stable job and dare not quit. I may face the problem of marriage and childbirth, and I may not be as courageous as I am now. I hope that I can still be as free and easy as now.”

Now this 76-day trip spans 22 cities and costs 15,000 yuan (approximately NT$66,000). In response to the doubts raised by this move, the woman admitted that everyone’s thoughts and choices are different. Since the meaning of hard work is to live the life you want, she just chooses to live happily and in the way she wants. , “I went out for 2 months and spent all the savings I had worked hard for a year, but I didn’t feel any regrets. It was still worth it!”

The woman revealed that the 76-day trip cost a total of 15,000 yuan. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaoxiang Morning News)
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