Adult Education Month begins in Vienna

Adult Education Month begins in Vienna

2024-08-31 06:00:18

Vienna(OTS) –

Adult Education Month in Vienna is held for the second time under the motto “Education brings people together”. The focus month begins in September. Again, there are many opportunities to try adult education. The focus is on getting to know provider organizations that offer offers such as Open Education Advice (ABZ*AUSTRIA) or trial offers. The Last Judgment in 40 Minutes (theology course) and the book presentation The Church Needs Education (Catholic Education Center) provide education in different ways.

The program also includes open days dedicated to inclusive courses for people with disabilities (biv – Institute for Integrated Education), as well as educational and career mini-advice (Educational Advice in Vienna) and an information evening course “Introduction to Children – and Youth Work” (WIENXTRA ) to “Long Night of Mass Education” (VHS). The smartphone is listed in “What I always wanted to know about my smartphone” (Katholisches Bildungswerk) and “What makes my phone safer” (ABZ*AUSTRIA) in the center. But legal issues also need to be clarified again and again in “posts, podcasts, and the online jungle—what can I say?” (crime)

All offers for Vienna Adult Education Month:

Vienna Adult Education Exhibition

The highlight of September is the “Vienna Adult Education Fair” on Monday, September 23, 2024 in the Town Hall.

Adult education is key to creating knowledge and understanding. During Vienna Adult Education Month, we show how education connects people and strengthens our societies – for greater inclusion and democracy. emphasize Deputy Mayor and City Councilor for Education Christoph Wiederkehr.

Learning in adulthood is not only a sufficient basis for career advancement, but also an important factor in personal personality development and lifelong learning. But the different adult education institutions in Vienna offer much more than that: they connect people with similar interests; they offer them the opportunity to develop together or individually and show them new opportunities and paths. The Vienna Adult Education Fair showcases the diversity of the field of adult education and offers all visitors the opportunity to pursue new educational paths.

Deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Ultra: Vienna City Hall – Arkadenhof, entrance: Lichtenfelsgasse 2, 1010 Vienna

We look forward to welcoming you and getting to know each other at town halls or events organized by individual providers.

Professional exchange: “Adult Education Integration” seminar

At a seminar inviting experts and people interested in adult education, the City of Vienna’s annual theme “Inclusion” – Education and Youth – will be discussed. “It is very important for experts to meet regularly and exchange views on current challenges and topics that affect all institutions. Mutual learning is also a topic that needs to be further promoted at this level. Vienna Adult Education Month is organized by the Ministry of Education and Youth of the City of Vienna.

Original OTS press release. The sender is solely responsible for the content – WWW.OTS.AT | NRK

#Adult #Education #Month #begins #Vienna



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