2023-12-21 22:00:00
According to the latest CoviPrev general population survey published by Public Health France carried out in September 2023, intentions to adopt barrier gestures to protect themselves from COVID-19 remain stable compared to last year (60%) in general population. On the other hand, only 25% and 22% of respondents say they are ready to adopt them in the event of a flu epidemic or winter illness. Regarding the mask in particular, only 15% of French people say they wear it in the presence of vulnerable people, 14% in public transport and only one in two people indicated that they intended to wear it in the event of the appearance of symptoms. , despite the recommendations still in force.
The end of the year is conducive to family and friendly gatherings which expose different generations to winter viruses. Together, let’s remobilize ourselves, around barrier gestures and in particular wearing a mask so that these holidays are synonymous with joy and health for all.
Dr Caroline Semaille, Director General of Public Health France
Furthermore, the estimate of vaccination coverage once morest COVID-19 among those aged 65 and over is currently only 27.4%. Insufficient figures which show that, despite the increase in indicators of acute respiratory infections in the territory (published every week on our website), a significant proportion of French people have not adopted barrier gestures, although they are effective in combating infections. winter viruses. In view of the end-of-year holiday gatherings and the winter months to come, everyone must continue to use barrier gestures to limit the circulation of winter illnesses such as the flu, COVID-19, or bronchiolitis once more. It is also essential that people at risk protect themselves by getting vaccinated once morest seasonal flu and COVID-19.
What are the barrier gestures and when to adopt them?
Wear a mask as soon as symptoms appear (cough, cold, fever, sore throat) in busy places (e.g. public transport) and in the presence of vulnerable people, even in the absence of symptoms; Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or with a hydro-alcoholic solution; Ventilate your home regularly; Sneeze into your elbow (rather than your hands); Use a single-use tissue.
Get vaccinated once morest flu and COVID-19: a double vaccination to protect yourself and limit the risks of contamination
Last winter, vaccination coverage among vulnerable people, such as pregnant women, people aged 65 and over, and those with chronic illnesses, was 51.5%, compared to 52.6% in winter 2021. -2022. Furthermore, the epidemics of influenza, COVID-19 and also bronchiolitis were concomitant for several weeks, causing a triple epidemic with a significant impact on the provision of care.
This is why double vaccination once morest influenza and COVID-19 is recommended in order to limit the risks of contamination and complications in the most vulnerable people. Co-vaccination offers the possibility of being vaccinated at the same time, at two different injection sites, such as both arms for example. The 2023-2024 vaccination campaign began on October 17, 2023 in mainland France.
“Don’t choose, get vaccinated once morest the flu and COVID-19”
This year, an awareness campaign around double vaccination has been broadcast since October 29, 2023. Launched by Health Insurance, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Prevention, Public Health France and the Mutualité sociale agricole, this campaign aims to remind people of the importance of being vaccinated once morest both viruses to protect themselves, particularly for the most vulnerable people.
#adopt #good #reflexes #protect #winter #viruses