Adler Group does not receive an attestation from KPMG

After Wirecard now Adler? On Friday evening, KPMG refused the ailing group the annual financial statements. In addition, long-standing allegations of fraud could not be clarified to the satisfaction of the shareholders. The affair was triggered by the short seller, who was also involved with Wirecard.

View of the high-rise at the Steglitzer Kreisel in Berlin: Allegedly, there has been little progress in Adler’s prestige project for a long time.

Dirk Sattler / imago

The news shook investors on Friday evening shortly before the stock market closed and finally plunged a large German real estate group into a veritable crisis: KPMG refuses the attestation of the Adler Group. The auditors do not see themselves in a position to issue an audit opinion on the balance sheet and therefore issued a disclaimer of opinion for the consolidated financial statements and the individual financial statements for 2021. Two years after the Wirecard case, Germany apparently has a new major accounting scandal.

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