Adenovirus: symptoms, treatments, how are they transmitted?

2023-11-13 21:00:01

Definition: what are adenoviruses?

Unlike the flu or covid-19 which are RNA viruses, adenoviruses are viruses composed ofADN. These highly contagious microbes are the cause of various diseases of the ENT and respiratory tract, but also of the digestive tract and the eyes. It exists 7 species of adenovirus humans (A to G) et 57 serotypes. The serotypes are associated with different pathologies.

Adenoviruses are present all over the world. They often strike during the winter season and are responsible for real epidemics within communities such as nurseries, schools, retirement homes, etc.

Adenoviruses are pathogenic for everyone, although many healthy individuals sometimes do not develop any symptoms. Conversely, infants, children, the elderly and immunocompromised patients are most at risk of severe disease.

Very contagious viruses

Adenoviruses are transmitted:

  • Par contact direct from one person to another with infected secretions (of nasopharyngeal and salivary origin) or stool microparticles (regarding digestive tract infections). Sneezing, coughing, kissing, handshakes… All these gestures pose risks if you do not take precautions.
  • By indirect route throughobjectsd’foods orcontaminated water. In particular, it is possible to catch an adenovirus by swimming in a pool without adequate chlorination.

Human adenoviruses: what diseases are they responsible for?

Most of the time, adenovirus infections do not cause any clinical manifestations in healthy subjects. However, these viruses can cause different diseases such as:

  • A fever moderate;
  • Of the swollen lymph nodes ;
  • A rhinopharyngite (with a runny nose and sore throat);
  • A exudative tonsillitis ;
  • A angina ;
  • Respiratory signs: cough, wheezing, crackling rattles ;
  • Abronchiolitis (especially in babies);
  • A bronchitis ;
  • A bronchotracheitis ;
  • A pneumonia ;
  • A serious respiratory infection ;
  • A conjunctivitis ;
  • A keratoconjunctivitis ;
  • A gastroenteritis ;
  • Of the diarrhea ;
  • A hemorrhagic cystitis ;
  • A meningoencephalitis.

Infants, children, the elderly and adults who are immunocompromised or have received an organ transplant are at greater risk of severe forms. Medical care and monitoring are absolutely necessary.

How do you know if you have an adenovirus?

The diagnosis is generally clinical. However, in the event of severe symptoms, it is possible to carry out a test PCR or a serology.

Treatments: how to treat an adenovirus?

The treatment of adenovirus infections is to relieve symptoms. Nevertheless, some antiretroviral treatments were used on immunocompromised patients as the ribavirin and the cidofovir. Their effectiveness varies.

In case of fever, you should hydrate regularlyof don’t cover up too much and of take paracetamol. If body temperature rises above 39°C, consult a doctor.

Paracetamol can also be administered in case of pain. The dosage must be adapted for babies and children.

THE anti-tussifs, expectorants, bronchodilatateurs, mucolytiques and thebronchial fluidifierscan be used in case ofcongestion of the bronchi. They can associate with respiratory physiotherapy sessions to promote expectoration of bronchial secretions. Prolonged self-medication is strongly discouraged, especially if the cough persists. Please note, these medications are contraindicated in infants.

In case of diarrheatake care moisturize. Of the digestive dressings and transit speed bumps can be effective. In any case, avoid foods containing a lot of fiber and favor white rice, cooked carrots and apples as well as lean meats.

In the event of eye damage (conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc.), it is better consult an ophthalmologist who will prescribe appropriate treatment for you.

The right actions once morest adenovirus infections

Certain barrier gestures will allow you to limit the risks of transmission of adenoviruses:

  • Good hand hygiene : washing your hands carefully with soap and water (or failing that with a hydroalcoholic gel) is a good reflex to have as soon as you get home, when you eat, before and following going in the toilet or before and following contact with a fragile person or with a sick person.
  • Avoid touching your eyes (in order to protect yourself from the risk of conjunctivitis);
  • Keep a distance safety of at least 1 meter with other people in a public place;
  • Wear the washable or disposable surgical mask in closed public places or if you are sick, in contact or even contagious;
  • Avoid sharing personal items and belongings (cutlery, toothbrushes, towels, etc.);
  • Disinfect potentially contaminated surfaces and objectsadenoviruses retaining their infectivity over a long period;
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow ;
  • Use a single-use tissue;
  • Ventilate your home every hour and maintain the temperature of your interior at approximately 19°C.

Is there an adenovirus vaccine?

There is an oral vaccine that limits the incidence of respiratory illness from infection with adenovirus types 4 and 7, but it is only available to military personnel.

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