Addressing the Teacher Shortage Crisis: Solutions to Attracting Qualified Educators in Jurbise

2023-08-19 14:05:00

In two weeks, children and teachers will return to the classrooms to experience a year full of learning. Apprenticeships which are however increasingly threatened by an observation: the directions are struggling to recruit qualified teachers. Conclusion, in some establishments, it is not impossible that certain positions will not be filled by the start of the school year.

In Jurbise, the organizing power can, a priori, blow. Last May, the mayor and the alderman of education denounced a situation never seen on such a scale… And announced in the wake of seeking solutions to attract teachers. Virtually guaranteed to quickly obtain a full-time job, help to obtain a place in a crèche on the municipal territory or even a gift certificate formula, the elected officials intended to deploy the great means to find interesting profiles.

A few days before the start of the school year, have these measures made it possible to attract candidates? “We finally managed to fill in the missing periods without resorting to these different measures”, announces Jacqueline Galant (LB). “This Monday, I will meet all the management and administrative teams to review the situation. In principle, all full professors will be present at the start of the school year. We would therefore no longer have to fill long periods of absence.”

At least temporarily. “We know that it is not because we start the year with full squads that this will be the case all year. It is often during the year that the situation becomes more problematic. If necessary, we will therefore not hesitate to offer various aids, we keep under the elbow what we have announced. At this stage, a few applications have been sent to the schools of Jurbise but they will therefore not be able to respond to them.

“It’s obviously frustrating because we know that these people stay on the floor at the start of the year, without being available when things get complicated.” Note also that if the directions will approach the start of the school year in September more calmly, certain establishments are still desperately trying to find teachers for one or the other subject.

#Shortage #teachers #Jurbise #start #school #year #serene

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