Addressing the Growing Shortage of Dermatologists in France: Impacts and Solutions

2023-09-13 04:16:02

This is another example of the declining medical demographics in France: dermatologists are one of the hardest specialties to find. According to an Ifop study for the pharmaceutical company Sanofi, almost half of patients have given up having their skin problems treated by a dermatologist because of waiting too long for an appointment.

A waiting period of three months

In the space of ten years, the average waiting time to get an appointment has increased from 41 days to more than three months today. The head of the dermatology department at Nantes University Hospital Gaëlle Quéreux can only note this problem of medical demographics: “In 20 years, we have gone from 4,000 dermatologists in France to less than 3,000. This worries us enormously.”

A lack of arms which has concrete consequences, continues the dermatologist: “This causes delays in the treatment of skin cancers. This is a huge problem. It is a delay in the treatment of inflammatory dermatoses, and a lack of access to care for certain patients.”

Many retirements not replaced

At the same time, the profession is aging: a third of dermatologists are currently over 60, assures Stéphanie Mehrand. She is the director of the French eczema association: “Many retirements will not be replaced in the coming years. This is also the case for other specialties which may be linked to the treatment of eczema. If you are allergic, there are also the allergists who are concerned, the pulmonologists when we also have asthma. It is very worrying for all patients.”

The French dermatology society is calling for an increase in the number of interns trained in dermatology each year, and for strengthening the training of general practitioners so that they do not miss serious pathologies.

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