Addressing Manpower Shortages and Challenges in Jura Companies: Solutions and Opportunities

2023-06-21 19:53:00

Jura companies have to deal with the lack of manpower. The Jura Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIJ) held its general meeting on Wednesday evening at the Halle-Cantine in Saignelégier. While the CCIJ particularly praised the resistance of companies to the challenges linked to the war in Ukraine, it also raised the issue of staff shortages. A situation that could continue since over the next ten years in Switzerland, 1 million “baby boomers” will retire while 500,000 young people will enter the labor market, warns the CCIJ.

To meet this challenge, the president of the Jura Chamber of Commerce and Industry puts forward several solutions. “It is essential to train young people and help companies find the best solutions,” emphasizes Georges Humard. It is also necessary to set up flexible crèches to improve the situation of women in the labor market. It is also necessary to automate production and to create means of production which will make our companies competitive”, supports the president of the CCIJ.

In addition to the labor shortage, other challenges are looming such as climate change, seen by Georges Humard as an opportunity for companies, or relations with Europe.

The end of BAT will weigh

The CCIJ presented its activity report for 2022. It highlights the arrival of 27 new members last year to bring its total to 519 companies, which represents more than 16,000 jobs in the canton. The members of the CCIJ also accepted the 2022 accounts, which show a profit of more than 18,500 francs, and the budget which provides for a deficit of around 2,700 francs. The forecasts are negative because they take into account the scheduled closure of the BAT factory in Boncourt, which is the main client of the CCIJ’s legalization service, recalled the director of the Chamber Pierre-Alain Berret.

Invited to speak at the podium, the President of the Jura Government Jacques Gerber praised the inventiveness shown by companies in the region. The Minister of Economy also recalled the importance of companies in the development of the canton. “Politics and economics are inseparable and complementary,” he said.

The CCIJ and its members ended the general assembly with a tribute to the deputy director Marlyse Fuhrer who is retiring after 43 years of activity within the entity. /nmy

#Jura #Chamber #Commerce #Industry #facing #challenge #succession

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