Addressing Kuwait’s Rising Unemployment Crisis: Over 28,000 Citizens in Search of Jobs

2023-10-04 18:43:37

Kuwait City: Unemployment among citizens is increasing in Kuwait. The new estimate is that more than 28,000 Swadeshi youths are unemployed. According to the Public Authority for Civil Information, there are 28,190 unemployed Kuwaitis in the country.

The unemployment rate among citizens rose to 5.75 percent compared to last year. Unemployment is higher among native women than among men. Even as the indigenization efforts continue to be strong, the authorities are worried about the decrease in the number of natives in the total number of workers in the country.

Tens of thousands of native youths graduate every year. Most of the natives are interested in government jobs. Meanwhile, the authorities have also started efforts to provide more employment opportunities to the natives in the private sector.

According to the latest figures, 24.75 lakh expatriates are working in the country. Out of this, 8,11,000 people are domestic workers and 15.47 lakh people are working in the private sector. 1,12,000 foreigners are employed in the government sector.

Summary: Unemployment in Kuwait: 28000 citizens on the job hunt

#Unemployment #increasing #among #citizens #Kuwait

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