Addressing Insecurity: How Peru Considers Implementing the El Salvador Model for Crime Reduction

2023-08-23 15:40:35
Although the head of the PJ did not mention the strategy implemented by the president of El Salvador, everything would seem to point towards the exception regime. (Composition Infobae Peru)

Crime does not give respite to citizens. Day by day, people are victims of robberies, kidnappings, murders, among other criminal acts, which leave a trail of pain in their families. This situation has generated concern among citizens, who fear being victims of crime both in the streets and in their own homes.

In this sense, it is relevant to point out that 45% of those surveyed stated that they felt very unsafe in their area of ​​residence, while 35% mentioned being somewhat unsafe. This means that 80% of those surveyed feel insecure, compared to only 20% who said they felt somewhat or very secure.

These data were compiled by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), which added that 53% of the citizens of Lima live in fear of residing in a highly insecure area.

Javier Arévalo Vela, president of the Judiciary, calls on the authorities.

Despite the efforts of the authorities to counteract the crime that goes unpunished in the streets and arteries of Lima and the regions of Peru, Peruvian men and women still feel insecure.

Faced with this adverse scenario, the president of the Judiciary, Javier Arévalo Vela, proposed a possible solution that revolves around the application of a foreign model, with certain modifications.

“There are countries that are having success in the fight once morest crime. An example of them is El Salvador. Why can’t we take something from their experiences to see how we adapt them to the Peruvian experience?” Arévalo Vela stated during the inauguration of the Second International Congress of Flagrancy.

At another point in his speech, the PJ president rounded off his idea by indicating that the replica of the Salvadoran model would be around the “positive elements” and in matters of justice regarding security and the reduction of the homicide rate.

The security policy of El Salvador suspends rights and guarantees contemplated in the Constitution of that country. REUTERS/Jose Cabezas

Although magistrate Javier Arévalo did not mention the security strategy implemented by the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, everything would seem to point towards the emergency regime. As is known, this policy suspends rights and guarantees contemplated in the Constitution of that country.

Among the suspended constitutional guarantees are freedom of association and the right to defense, and the period of provisional detention is extended from 72 hours to 15 days. It is important to note that under this regime, the authorities can intervene in telecommunications without the need for judicial authorization.

In dialogue with international media, the Minister of Defense of El Salvador, René Merino Monroy, pointed out that a year before Bukele assumed the Presidency, his country registered a rate of 50.4 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. The authority also reported that by 2022, that rate dropped to 7.8.

The security strategies implemented in El Salvador have been questioned by international organizations.

However, security strategies have been questioned by international organizations. Such is the case of Amnesty International, which in June 2022 indicated that the emergency regime violated human rights. Given this, he urged the Government of President Bukele to put an end to this radical measure.

For its part, Human Rights Watch considered that Bukele’s security policy has arbitrarily imprisoned some people without gang ties.

The statements by the president of the Judiciary generated divided opinions in public opinion. Some of them criticized the possible solution, while others considered that human rights must be respected.

It is relevant to point out that the head of the PJ did not mention that he would copy the Bukele regime, but that he would adapt it to our reality. If a strategy similar to that of El Salvador were to be implemented, international organizations would be attentive to events in our country.

Mayors of San Juan de Lurigancho and Magdalena in favor of the creation of the Security Order Police. (Composition: Andean)

The President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, announced the creation of a new category in the Peruvian National Police (PNP). This is the Order and Security Police, whose members will have functions such as carrying out surveillance and security tasks, providing aid and protection to the community, intervening in people or vehicles, supporting decongestion and redirecting vehicular traffic and closing roads. , and support the interventions carried out by police personnel.

If the Congress of the Republic approves the bill that proposes a new category within the organizational structure of the National Police, the deficit of law enforcement officers in our country would be covered.

#President #Judiciary #proposes #emulate #Bukele #regime #Salvador #face #crime



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