Addressing Gender Discrimination in Science: Insights from Nobel Prize Winner Kurt Wüthrich

2023-07-04 10:29:36

Nobel Prize winner Kurt Wüthrich is annoyed by the alleged discrimination against men.


Are men discriminated against in science? The Swiss Nobel Prize winner Kurt Wüthrich caused an uproar with a statement to this effect.

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The Swiss Nobel Prize winner Kurt Wüthrich was annoyed at an event about alleged discrimination against men. The reason: for a group photo, the researchers who took part in the event were asked to come forward. The Nobel Prize winner says: “It was ridiculous, completely ridiculous.”

At an event where young researchers can exchange ideas with Nobel Prize winners, Swiss Nobel Prize winner Kurt Wüthrich explains that he feels discriminated against.

How come? “As a male scientist, I feel discriminated against when I’m here,” he said at the science conference “Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau”.

Women are the topic of the conference

“After the first day of the meeting, it is clear that unfortunately science will not be the topic of the conference,” explains Wüthrich. The topic is women in science. He sat loudly «Blick» along with three men on stage. Apparently, the statement came from the fact that Wüthrich quoted from an interview.

According to “Blick”, he mentioned an interview from the “Schwäbische” with the scientist Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard. The biologist criticizes that women should “better not” behave like men. Because “Men are allowed to be strict, women have to be more friendly and nice, otherwise they get in trouble.”

Researcher reacts to Wüthrich’s statement

According to Wüthrich, a scientist in the audience says: “As a female researcher, it is very uncomfortable to listen to a Nobel Prize winner who is upset about ‘male discrimination’.”

Then the moderator of the event tries to interrupt the researcher. She then adds: “There may be individual discrimination against men, but it’s nothing compared to the systematic structural discrimination women face.” She gets applause from the audience.

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“It was ridiculous”

Opposite the science magazine «Science» Wüthrich raises again after the event. He did not feel disadvantaged as an individual, but as a man.

For example, when the scientists were asked to step forward for a group photo. “I would feel terrible to be presented in this way,” he says angrily. Apparently he should then stand behind the women.

“It was ridiculous, completely ridiculous,” says Wüthrich. He believes that this discriminates against men and glorifies women.

But the gap between men and women is still large, especially in research. Even today, women are rarely mentioned as co-authors in publications, as “Research and Teaching” writes at the end of June. In addition, only 60 female scientists have won a Nobel Prize to date. A total of 892 men received it.

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