Adding milk to coffee would be beneficial for our health

A study reveals that the milk added to coffee would promote the assimilation of certain antioxidants by our body.

Even if it should be consumed in moderation, coffee is a real asset for our health. Beyond the caffeine it contains, the drink is above all rich in polyphenols. If this name seems barbaric, it actually designates antioxidants that are also found in other foods. Coffee is also one of the foods that contains the most, just like tea or fruit.

Polyphenols contribute daily to the preservation of all our cells. However, they can be difficult for the body to assimilate. In fact, researchers have tried to find a way to help the body better absorb them. And a group of scientists of several nationalities found a solution: add a little milk in the morning coffee.

All the explanations and the complete account of the experience have been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

The action of proteins contained in milk to facilitate the absorption of polyphenols

Originally, the researchers wanted to see if proteins might be combined with polyphenols and if this had a beneficial effect on the organism. Initially, they are therefore tested 3 different configurations on cells suffering from inflammatory reactions.

They then found that combining polyphenols and proteins made it possible to better fight inflammation. By way of comparison, this combination was twice as effective as the action of the polyphenols alone and even more so than the cells that had received nothing. Faced with such results, the researchers found themselves faced with a question: how to allow this combination on a daily basis and without medication or supplements? They then suggested adding a small amount of milk to the coffee.

However, the researchers point out that this combined action also works with other protein-rich foods such as yogurt. The main thing is to take these proteins and mix them with a food rich in polyphenols.

Why are polyphenols so important?

If assimilating polyphenols correctly is necessary, it is because their health benefits are numerous. First, they act as protective barriers once morest the harmful effects of UV. In fact, they slow down the aging of our skin and limit the risk of cancer.

Then, polyphenols help our immune system to better defend itself once morest inflammation. Finally they reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by acting on hypertension as well as the oxidation of cholesterol.

In fact, this discovery of the action of milk on coffee can become an easy health gesture to adopt every morning.



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