Addicted to TikTok? The application creates new functions to limit its use

TikTok, a property of the Chinese group ByteDance, already had a function to put a limit on the time spent daily in the application. We can now choose a period following which we have the obligation to interrupt his row of videos to take a break instead.

A new section of the app will also compile data on daily screen time, to inform users of their app-related consumption habits. We will see there, for example, how many times we open the application per day and how much time we spend there day, evening and night.

Having a positive relationship with electronic devices and apps isn’t just regarding measuring screen time; it is also to feel that we have control over our use of technologiessays the company in a blog post.

The social network also announces a measure intended for its young audience, that of 13 to 17 years old. If someone in this age range uses the app for more than 100 minutes in a single day, a sign reminding them of the existence of a tool that can limit daily screen time will appear the next time they use TikTok.

Tech companies have been creating features for years to keep up with the trend of some users getting disconnected, offering them services that measure screen time, among other things.

Apple recently announced new features to make it easier for parents to manage children’s screen time.

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