addicted to the latest omikron How many days do I have to quarantine to be safe? Should I have the ATK test again?

According to the current medical knowledge regarding Omicron Omicron If someone is infected, quarantined for only 5 days, chances of falling out are 50%, 7 days out of 25%, 10 days, chances of falling out are around 10%, but 14 days seems to be safe. However, it is often difficult to do because it affects the work system a lot.

Therefore, if the various workplaces Able to manage manpower It’s best to isolate yourself for at least 10 days. But if you can’t, or really need it should educate and/or train infected personnel on self-defense and to self-isolate for 7 days and repeat ATK test.

Workplace guidelines for everyone in the current epidemic situation Adjusting the working environment to have good ventilation not eating together And wearing a mask correctly and consistently is very important.

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