Add These 5 Foods to Your Diet to Boost Your Vitamin D Levels Without the Sun

Many Russians face vitamin D deficiency, especially those living in the north and northwest of the country. It is synthesized in our skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In theory, everything sounds pretty good: scientists say that it is enough to spend at least 15-30 minutes a day on the street to get enough of this vitamin.

However, in practice there are several nuances. Firstly, in some regions the sun is a rare visitor. Secondly, vitamin synthesis can be slowed down due to polluted air in big cities. Thirdly, doctors do not advise overdoing it with sunbathing: UV rays, alas, increase the risk of skin cancer and accelerate the aging process.

However, vitamin D is also found in food. Rospotrebnadzor experts told what products to pay attention to. See explanation in our photo gallery.



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