“Adaptation is difficult but I hope to impose myself in Europe”

Great hope of Paradou AC, left-back Hamza Mouali (25) was loaned this season to Stade Lavallois in the French Ligue 2. Arrived at the last minute of the summer transfer window, the Algerian missed the preparation with his new club and took time to adapt to his new environment. In this short interview given to La Gazette du Fennec, the former player of the A ‘selection explains his difficulties in making his mark in Europe and sends a message to the men of Madjid Bougherra who are currently competing in CHAN 2022 in Algeria.

>> Video interview with Hamza Mouali :

Salam aleikoum Hamza Mouali, bienvenue sur The Gazette du Fennec. How do you feel in Laval?

Salam aleikum, welcome to your home and welcome to your home (laughs). I am doing my first year here outside of Algeria. This is my first transfer from my training club. It’s quite difficult because of the language and the change in lifestyle, I changed everything. But hamdoullah, there is with me here Zakaria Naïdji whom I have known for a long time and with whom I played 3 seasons at Paradou. He makes my daily work easier, just like the group with whom things are going well.

Have you started playing since you joined the club last summer?

Already you should know that when I came here I arrived late at the very end of the transfer window. The day I arrived, the club had already played 5 league games. So with my preparation, it took me a month and a half to be ready. I then started with bouts of matches, 10 minutes then 20 minutes. I must have played something like 5 games coming into the second half. Then following a 15-day break from the championship I injured my hamstrings. I had to rest 15 days and this week only I resumed with the group.

The return phase, so you hope to get as much playing time as possible?

Yes inchallah, this is my goal. (Editor’s note: following this interview carried out at the end of December, Hamza Mouali played 2 games as a starter bringing his total to 6 appearances in Ligue 2).

“I have no contact with Belmadi. I have to work, chain the matches and show my qualities”

Are you here on loan? Do you like the atmosphere in Europe?

Yes, I am on loan to Laval from my club, Paradou AC. I hope to stay here, it’s a matter of mektoub. We’ll see what the future holds for me.

Hamza Mouali Stade Lavallois 2

We heard your name on the National Team rosters. Do you have any contact with Belmadi?

No, I have no contact with Belmadi. Already before coming here I was in the B team with Bougherra. Now I’m waiting for my chance, I will continue to work, chain matches and show my qualities. Next inchallah my turn will come.

“The CHAN is played at home in Algeria. It’s an advantage, I hope we will win!”

Are you going to follow CHAN 2022 in January in Algeria?

Yes of course, I have my friends who will dispute it. I am wholeheartedly with them and send them my encouragement. The competition is played at home so it’s an advantage and I hope we will go far and why not win the CHAN.

Good luck for the rest of your career and we hope to see you in Ligue 1…

Thank you so much.

Photo gallery Hamza Mouali:

>> Also review our previous interviews with Zakaria Naïdji and Ryan Ferhaoui, the other Algerians from Stade Lavallois!

Ryan Ferhaoui: “Algeria is a goal for me!”

Zakaria Naïdji: “I know that Belmadi follows my performances with Laval”



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