Acupressure|Headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough

It is easy to get sick during the changing seasons, such as headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough and other symptoms. In addition to seeing a doctor and taking medicine, registered Chinese medicine practitioner Hu Jinjun said that massaging different acupoints can help relieve the above symptoms.

Four acupoints relieve symptoms

⬤Hegu Point – relieve headache

Location: The muscle between the thumb and index finger, commonly known as the “tiger’s mouth”.

Efficacy: Hegu acupoint is a major pain-relieving acupoint. It is mainly used for headache, and has the effect of refreshing the brain and relieving pain. It can also disperse wind pathogens, open and close the orifices, clear lung-qi, and harmonize the stomach and intestines.

Pressing method: Press in the direction of the index finger, be careful not to press it in the palm, there will be a feeling of soreness when pressing. Use your thumb to rub the Hegu point of the opposite hand for 5 seconds each time, press 10 times, and alternately press the other hand.​

⬤ Shaoshang Point – Relieve sore throat

Location: On the radial side of the distal end of the thumb, 1 minute from the corner of the nail.

Efficacy: refreshing, pharynx, clearing heat, used for sore throat.

Pressing method: Press with your fingernail for 10 seconds, press until it feels slightly sore, relax and continue to massage 2 times.

⬤ Yingxiang Point – Relieves runny nose

Location: On both sides of the nose, the center of the eyes is vertically downward, regarding the position of the nasolabial folds.

Efficacy: It can clear the nose orifices, disperse wind pathogens, and be used for nasal congestion, runny nose, rhinitis, etc.

​Pressing method: Press the left and right acupuncture points once in the morning and evening, press with the index fingers of both hands for 5 seconds, rest for 5 seconds, and then press and knead for 1 minute.

⬤Chize Point – Relieve cough

Location: It is located on the inner horizontal crease of the elbow, with the palm up and the outer side 1 finger width inward.

Efficacy: clear and disperse lung qi, purify fire and reduce inversion, used for cough, wheezing and inversion of qi.

Pressing method: Press the left and right acupoints once in the morning and evening, press for 5 seconds, rest for 5 seconds, and press and knead for 1 minute.

Text: He Shaoying

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