Actress Yousra: The series “Happy Dreams” fulfilled my dream by presenting a high-end comedy work

Cairo – A Sh A

Posted on: Sunday, April 24, 2022 – 3:16 PM | Last update: Sunday, April 24, 2022 – 3:16 PM

Actress Yousra confirmed that the series (Happy Dreams), shown during the current Ramadan season, fulfilled her dream of presenting a sophisticated and different comic work that raises a number of important societal issues related to women.

Yousra said, in a video that she posted on her account on the “Instagram” website today, on the occasion of the end of filming the episodes of the series two days ago, that Farida Hanim or Didi, which she presents within the work events, wishes to have happy dreams and come true, but following every dream that comes true she is more afraid, happiness for her It is not easy to verify, because of the difficult system you live in.

She added that presenting this in a comic form is not easy, especially that she chose to present comedy this season because she felt tired of the sad and grumpy drama she presented in the past two seasons and her inability to continue in this way, especially since the amount of tears and anger in my series (Betrayal of the Covenant) or (War eligibility) was very high and it needs to be changed in the current Ramadan season.

She added that the comedy detested her because she had not presented it since (Sharbat Luz) 10 years ago, and that she loved this work because it has female control, especially since many dramatic scenarios are not written regarding women’s work, unlike (Happy Dreams), which presented different female characters that have nothing to do with each other and cannot be It meets but is well braided.

She confirmed that her joy in this series is indescribable because every detail in it and everyone who participated in the work has a special place in her heart, noting that behind the scenes of filming, despite its difficulty, was dominated by a sweet spirit and positive energy, thanking everyone who shared this great success.

Yousra appears in the work as the embodiment of an aristocratic woman, and she speaks of many comic paradoxes because of the difference in the social class to which she belongs from the rest of the individuals.

The events of the series revolve in a comic framework around 3 friends whose relationship with each other is very strange, each one a different character.

The series is co-starring Ghada Adel, May Kassab, Shaima Seif, Nour Mahmoud, Nabil Nour El-Din, Jihan Al-Shamshirji, written by Hala Khalil, and directed by Amr Arafa.



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