Actress Louisette Dussault dies at 82

The actress Louisette Dussault, who marked Quebecers with her role as The green mousedied Tuesday at the age of 82, announced the agency Ixion communications.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dearest Louisette Dussault. On March 14 at 4 p.m., this great lady of the theater left us peacefully at the age of 82, surrounded by her daughters, ”we announced in a press release.

Originally from Thetford Mines, Louisette Dussault entered the National Theater School of Canada in 1961. This marks the beginning of a great passion that will propel a career that has spanned six decades.

Mme Dussault flourished both in the theater and on the small and big screens, multiplying projects as an actress as well as director or stage director.

If many retain his role as The green mouse held for more than 750 editions of this children’s program presented on Radio-Canada between 1964 and 1971, the fact remains that several generations were able to admire her talent, the actress having continued to appear in series until 2012 -2013, with roles in Trauma et The Black Dog Inn.

The actress has also devoted herself largely to the theater, founding no less than three companies. She also has one of playwright Michel Tremblay’s great accomplices, being part of the very first reading of the play The Sisters-in-Lawin 1968, as well as the play Tomorrow morning, Montreal is waiting for me. She also reprized her role in the sisters-in-law in 1984, for the 15e anniversary of this cult piece.

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In 1978, she caused controversy by taking on the role of the Virgin Mary in the play The fairies are thirsty.

“Louisette had a life filled with her work, which fulfilled her. She was also very proud of her two daughters, Ève and Paule, and loved spending time with her seven grandchildren. Her charisma, her lively energy, her strong personality and her involvement in all artistic spheres will remain in the memory of all those who had the chance to meet her,” said the Ixion agency.

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