Actress from ‘Padres e hijos’ spoke about the death of her son due to addiction | THE UNIVERSAL

The actress Haydée Ramírez, remembered for her role as Gabriela in the series Padres e hijos, spoke about the death of her son Gustavo four years ago.

In an interview with the La Red program, he said that the young man suffered from depression and anxiety problems, and then began to mix alcohol and drugs, triggering a picture of addiction. (Also read: In mourning! Jessica Cediel said goodbye to her “daddy” with emotional words)

“He told me ‘I feel fine, we’re going to do a treatment’ and I told him that’s it. We spent a fantastic month here (in a farm in a municipality on the outskirts of Bogotá). When he felt recovered, he went to continue working and at the Marly Clinic they treated him and two weeks later he died completely intoxicated,” Ramírez explained.

“He began to mix alcohol, drugs and that made it not a picture of anxiety and depression, but a picture of addiction,” he added.

He also said that in his last moments of life they were at his farm in Subachoque, in Cundinamarca, where they had fun and had great experiences to remember.

According to Haydeé narrated, they talked about the anecdotes that they lived on the farm. However, after his death, Haydeé had to face a crisis in his physical and mental health. (You can also read: Chyno Miranda broke the silence and told the truth about his rehabilitation)

“We had a fantastic month. When he felt well, he kept working, ”added Ramírez, 60, who played ‘Gabriela’ in ‘Padres e hijos’.

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He also said that this pain transformed him: he helps grieving parents. “Whoever wants to ask, here I am for what you need to know, with my heart, soul and desire I tell you from what I have learned and traveled on this painful path.”

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