Actress and Comedian Addresses Viña del Mar Festival Failures: A Candid Reflection

2024-03-02 17:22:13

Through her social networks, the actress and comedian addressed her time at the Viña del Mar Festival, a show with which she failed to convince the monster, receiving numerous mistakes.

The artist performed on Monday, just following the successful performance of the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, who provoked the delirium of the 15 thousand attendees.

Let us remember that on the eve of Viña 2024, Contador had already faced a tough episode during a show in Coihueco, Ñuble Region, where mistakes did not allow him to complete his routine.

“I, more than anyone, am clear that my presentation in Viña was not good. The week before was also very hard for me. The media became angry following one episode and that affected me,” she began, pointing out.

“Obviously one understands that these are the rules of the game, that it has always been like this and that the stage is the space where one can demonstrate work, talent, etc. I, honestly, was incapable,” she added.

“Having to enter the stage with a completely overwhelmed situation that no one knew how to calm down, with a very angry Quinta Vergara, totally threw me off. I didn’t do my routine. Just some very disjointed parts, without grace, without much sense (and at the beginning without much water!)”, She pointed out.

The comedian, who at the post-show press conference in Viña might not avoid tears, continued with her mea culpa. “I have the feeling of flapping and babbling in search of something to connect with an audience that very clearly did not want me to be there until they saw that their demands, for a platinum seagull for the main artist, were heard,” she said.

“I understand that I cannot make humor in those conditions. I just can not. And I’m not saying this to blame the rest, on the contrary; I assume and recognize that I do not have that capacity. I will never be funny in those circumstances (and it is not for lack of commitment. I promise you that I gave my life trying),” she emphasized.

Contador asserted that he had a “bad time to learn it,” adding – yes – that he learned. “Those who were there know that the situation was unsustainable. I feel it in the soul. Without a doubt, they deserve a better show and I deserve better conditions to provide it,” he expressed.

“We will return with more punch and I promise you that it will be more fun (at least than the last time),” the artist promised, dedicating a message to those who made her the target of criticism.

“To the usual insopo, tell them not to worry regarding hiring transportation buses. The production will put them on,” she closed with irony.

#Javiera #Contadors #mea #culpa #sense #failed #show #Viña



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