“Actor’s Dream” Kaohsiung special screening inspires fans to present flowers to thank | New Century Film and Television | Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

[TheEpochTimesDecember192022](Reported by Epoch Times reporters Fang Jinyuan and Li Qingdai from Kaohsiung)New Century Film and TelevisionThe film “actor dream“On the evening of December 16, a special screening was held in Dream Times, Kaohsiung. With nearly 200 seats, more than 200 people signed up to participate, and many people were waiting for the waitlist. After the screening, the actors met with the audience. Some fans enthusiastically presented flowers on stage.

actor dream“Actors meet fans happily (Fang Jinyuan/The Epoch Times)

“Actor’s Dream” has won more than ten film festival awards and nominations so far. It won the honorary awards “Best Actress” and “Best Original Music” at the Golden Painting International Film Festival in the United States, and won the “Best Actress” for feature film at the Canadian Alternative Film Festival. “Protagonist” award, and the “Best Costume Design” award at the Athens Monthly International Art Film Festival.

Feng Xiaoya: Conveying kindness and sincerity

Feng Xiaoya, the heroine of
“Actor’s Dream” heroine Feng Xiaoya (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Feng Xiaoya, who played a life in the entertainment industry in “Actor’s Dream”, felt the same for Lin Meiyue’s turning point. She said that when she was young, she also suffered from illnesses, and she sought medical treatment everywhere but found no results. She imagined that if her life ended here one day, what would it be like? Fortunately, by coincidence, she read Zhuan Falun. This precious book not only made Lin Meiyue stand up again, but also gave her a chance to be reborn.

Feng Xiaoya said that Lin Meiyue was full of resentment and despair for ten years in a wheelchair due to unbearable physical and mental injuries. It was not until she practiced Falun Dafa that truth and kindness finally melted the resentment in her heart and melted the iceberg. “As an actor, I should also be like her, become a clear stream in the film and television industry, participate in more inspiring and excellent works on the road of acting, and bring kindness and sincerity to more people.” She said.

Zheng Xuefei: Sharing Strength and Encouragement

“Actor’s Dream” heroine Zheng Xuefei (middle) (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Zheng Xuefei, who played the role of “Guo Xinyu” in the play, said that the phenomenon reflected in the film is just a microcosm of mainland Chinese society. Such stories may happen in all walks of life, in themselves or around us.

She said, “During the filming process, this film gave me a lot of motivation and encouragement. It allowed me to review myself and gave me the courage to constantly break through myself and move forward.” “Actor’s Dream” went to different cities to communicate with different friends, “I hope that I will feel encouraged and share it with everyone through movies, so that more people can gain strength and be able to better face their own lives and face their own lives. .”

Lawyer: I hope more blessed people will watch

Zhu Wanqi, Spokesperson of the Falun Gong Human Rights Lawyers Group
Zhu Wanqi, spokesperson of the Falun Gong Human Rights Lawyers Group (Fang Jinyuan/The Epoch Times)

Zhu Wanqi, a spokesperson for the Falun Gong Human Rights Lawyers Group, said that not only the actors in this film are pure, but the plot is also thought-provoking—in a very tense situation, people can be kind and considerate of others, showingTruthfulness-Compassion-ForbearanceThe personality traits of practitioners. Movies as pure and plain as “Actor’s Dream” are rare now. I hope that Taiwan will be blessed and more people will watch it.

Zhu Wanqi said that the key to the heroine’s transformation from being paralyzed to being able to walk in the film is that she has benefited physically and mentally from studying Zhuan Falun. “Actually, this is not just a movie plot. Tens of millions of people in Taiwan have been sublimated physically and mentally because of reading this book.” “It is not so much a feature film as it is a documentary. It records aTruthfulness-Compassion-ForbearanceHow to get out of adversity and walk out of a bright road for the best practitioners. “

She emphasized, “I hope that more Taiwanese will have pure and kind beliefs, be tolerant of those around them, stand up from setbacks, and truly become good people among good people. This will be the greatest contribution of this film to Taiwan. “

University Professor: Even the ordinary ones touch people’s hearts

Zhang Meiwei, Director of the Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University
Zhang Meiwei, Dean of the Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Zhang Meiyu, director of the Department of Optoelectronic Engineering at National Sun Yat-Sen University, rushed to watch after class, not wanting to miss this special screening. Referring to the touching part of the movie, she said that when she encountered suffering and setbacks and was at a loss what to do, the protagonist accidentally got a precious book. When she concentrated on reading, the original resentment on her face disappeared little by little, and replaced it more and more. milder. “I didn’t expect that a book could make a person reborn!” In addition, the protagonist’s attitude of repaying grievances with virtue is also achieved through cultivation. “This kind of mind is what modern people lack and need most.”

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She said that “Actor’s Dream” is not as intense as today’s commercial movies. As the plot unfolds, she realizes that it is more touching in the ordinary. She highly recommends this movie, “Only after watching it will you know that there is such a happy and beautiful world waiting for you.”

Lions Clubs Superintendent: Perseverance and Forgiveness Lead Life’s Journey

Wu Mingxiao, District Director of Lions Clubs International 300-D2, Legislator Xu Zhijie Special Advisor
Wu Mingxiao, District Director of Lions Clubs International 300-D2, Legislator Xu Zhijie Special Advisor (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Wu Mingxiao, District Director of Lions Clubs International 300-D2 and special advisor to legislator Xu Zhijie, said, “Actor’s Dream” is a very meaningful and good work. Truth, Compassion and Forbearance are mentioned in the film, which reminds me of the truth, kindness and beauty that Lions believe in. “People need perseverance to overcome everything and move forward; we have to forgive others and resolve grievances with the enemy in order to truly grow and move forward.” He emphasized, “This is a force to move forward in the journey of life!”

Honorary Vice President of Lions Clubs: Movie Spreads Light

Wu Haocheng, Honorary Vice President of Lions Clubs International Multiple District 300 Taiwan Headquarters (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Wu Haocheng, Honorary Vice President of Lions Clubs International Multiple District 300 Taiwan General Assembly, said that he was very lucky to see “Actor’s Dream” in Taiwan. He praised the positive message of the film, “Lin Meiyue is very strong, and the characters are interpreted very well, enough to inspire humanity and convey the bright side of society; they (actors) come from different countries, but they have the same ambition to spread the light to the whole world. The world, we should also spread love and light.”

East Service Center Consultant: Generosity promotes a good atmosphere in society

Wu Mingxing, Advisor to the Eastern United Service Center of the Executive Yuan (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Wu Mingxing, a consultant of the Eastern United Service Center of the Executive Yuan, said, “This is an inspiring, magnanimous movie that does not care about hatred. It can promote a good atmosphere in society and create harmony in the country and society.” He emphasized that Lin Meiyue can get up again when she falls , moved him very much, “Her experience can enlighten people’s hearts and turn people from evil to good. It’s really great! I recommend it to everyone here.

Art Association Advisor: Kindness and Tolerance Resolve Setbacks

Lin Fangsu, consultant of Kaohsiung International Culture and Art Association
Lin Fangsu, consultant of Kaohsiung International Culture and Art Association (Fang Jinyuan/The Epoch Times)

“Very touching! Very inspiring!” said Lin Fangsu, consultant of the Kaohsiung International Culture and Art Association, “Everyone has a dream in their hearts, and only with a kind and tolerant heart can they resolve possible setbacks.” She also said, ” “Family love” and the hero finally let go of her resentment and walked towards her beautiful life with a tolerant heart, which touched her deeply. I hope more people will watch and experience this positive energy!

Lin Boyu, Chairman of Kaohsiung Printing Business Association
Lin Boyu, Chairman of Kaohsiung Printing Business Association (Li Qingdai/The Epoch Times)

Chairman of the Guild: Persevere until the end and you will succeed

Lin Boyu, chairman of the Kaohsiung Printing Business Association, watched the film together with many representatives of the association. He praised “Actor’s Dream” as very positive and inspirational. “Be like the protagonist, Mitsuki-sensei, and persevere to the end and you will succeed!”

Fans took a group photo with the actors of
Fans took a group photo with the actors of “Actor’s Dream” (Fang Jinyuan/The Epoch Times)

Editor in charge: Li Wei

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