Actor Pavel Kříž got married. He married a beauty 15 years younger. Look what kind of woman he is guarding at home now

Surely you all remember him as the still dreamy Štěpán Šafránek, a medical student and lover of women, from the movie How the World Loses Poets. Pavel Kříž remained a lover of women even today. He recently showed his Mrs. Colombo. A beauty who is many years younger than him.

Štěpán Šafránek

Actor Pavel Kriz came into the audience’s consciousness mainly thanks to a series of films Poetsthe first of which, As the World Loses Poets, was filmed in 1982.

Many years have passed since then, and Pavel Kříž as Štěpán Šafránek appeared in the next five installments of this series of stories, which the audience completely fell in love with.

In Poets, Pavel Kříž played a constantly reciting medical student and a doctor who, in one piece, courted the women he met.

He was actually very close to the role of Štěpán Šafránek as a real medical student. However, the study did not take place here, but in Canada.

He studied psychotherapy in Vancouver, Canada, and subsequently worked as a psychotherapist in a home for the elderly there.

Mrs. Colombo

Although he enjoyed his work, acting was his lifelong passion. When he finally decided to return to his native country after 5 years, he was immediately offered a director’s offer Dusana Kleinfor the fourth installment of poets.

Watch the interview with Pavel Kříž:

Source: Youtube

However, he met his great love in Canada. Film animator Bonnie Gloverwith whom they were even expecting a child. However, Bonnie ended up losing her unborn child.

The marriage with Glover collapsed after some time, and Kříž did not want to comment too much on it. A few years later, however, luck smiled on him again in this direction.

In 2017, he met Jolana Kijonkováthe director of a home for the elderly, whom he also eventually married as his legal wife.

Although Jolana is a beautiful woman, Kříž doesn’t show much company with her. The reason is their privacy, which Kříž carefully guards. However, he recently made an exception and showed up with his wife, who is 15 years his junior.

Everyone was amazed at how beautiful Jolana was and people could finally see with their own eyes what Pavlova’s Mrs. Kolombová really looked like. It should be noted that when it comes to women, this successful Czech actor definitely has good taste.




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