Actor of the film “Kin-dza-dza!” Mikhail Bychkov died on New Year’s Eve | News | News

Actor of the film “Kin-dza-dza!” Mikhail Bychkov died on New Year’s Eve. The artist died in his wife’s apartment on Dmitrovskoe highway in Moscow, reports

Bychkov’s son said that on December 31, his parents came to visit him to celebrate the New Year.

During the celebration, the audience limited themselves to the minimum amount of alcohol – everyone drank a glass of champagne. Having met the New Year, the couple went home to the next entrance, after which they went to bed. However, the artist never woke up.

The man’s body was found by his wife, who called an ambulance and operational services. The doctors who arrived at the scene were unable to help the artist in any way.

As the source of the publication specified, doctors established a natural cause of death. Bychkov died in his sleep.

Mikhail Bychkov is a theater and film actor. Among the famous films in which the artist starred are such films as “Kin-dza-dza!”, “Boris Godunov”, “Pokrovskie gates”, “12 chairs” and others. In addition, Bychkov played in several dozen performances at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

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