Actor Juan José Camero, 80, in Critical Condition: A Call for Solidarity Amid Health and Financial Struggles

Actor Juan José Camero, 80, in Critical Condition: A Call for Solidarity Amid Health and Financial Struggles
Juan José Camero is 80 years old

Florencia Aroldi, playwright and writer, made an emotional call for solidarity from her Instagram account this Tuesday afternoon, requesting support for actor Juan José Camero, who is facing serious health complications and a delicate economic situation.

The young woman, daughter of the remembered actor Norberto Aroldi and actress María Ibarreta, published: “Juan José Camero needs us. He is hospitalized in the Clínica Modelo de Caseros: a visit, a letter, a call, everything would be great company for him. We can help from love and support”. Her post quickly went viral and generated a strong reaction on social media.

The 80-year-old actor, known for his role in Nazareno Cruz y el lobo, was hospitalized due to an intestinal obstruction and is in critical condition. In an interview with Teleshow, Florencia explained: “He is alone and needs company.” Remember that Juan José retired from acting in 2013 with the film La vida anterior.

Aroldi recounted her family’s connection with Camero, who was present during her father’s last hospitalization. “My dad collapsed at Juan José’s parents’ house and he accompanied him during his last hospitalization. Now, after many years, we are reuniting. He wanted to return to theater, but in a non-conventional way, because he says he remembers everything by heart.”

Actor Juan José Camero is remembered for his role in Leonardo Favio's classic, Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo
Actor Juan José Camero is remembered for his role in Leonardo Favio’s classic, Nazareno Cruz y el Lobo

Camero has been away from public life for several years and is facing severe vision problems. Despite his delicate situation, he carries himself with great dignity. Florencia highlighted the cultural management that Camero carried out in Paraguay for ten years, for which he should receive a higher pension. However, his file at ANSES is stuck, and he has never received more than the minimum, which further complicates his economic situation.

Aroldi mentioned that despite the efforts, Camero is living off his savings and needs a stable financial structure. “He can pay for private insurance, but his savings are running out. We started knocking on doors to see if we can unblock the file at ANSES, so that he can get what he is entitled to.”

Recently, SAGAI contacted to offer financial help. “The key is in the ANSES file. He said he didn’t want to bother because there are people who are worse off. But today he told me, ‘Florencia, if you have to make some noise, make some noise, because I can’t take it anymore.’”

Florencia Aroldi's post
Florencia Aroldi’s post

The playwright and writer also highlighted Camero’s humanistic character and his desire to remain active in culture, even in moments of vulnerability. “He told me that his feelings are exploding, but he also talks about politics and women, remembering his golden age and his friendship with personalities like Borges and Eduardo Galeano.”

Finally, Florencia made a call for solidarity, not just for Camero’s situation but as a reflection of the internal debt that society has with figures who have contributed so much to culture. “He does not want to be seen as Camero and receive benefits that other retirees do not have. But we need to make noise so that his rights are recognized.”

Florencia Aroldi with Juan José Camero
Florencia Aroldi with Juan José Camero
María Ibarreta, mother of Florencia Aroldi, and Juan José Camero
María Ibarreta, mother of Florencia Aroldi, and Juan José Camero

It should be noted that in mid-July of last year, Camero made an extensive post on his Facebook account in which he shared that he has relative blindness, which left him with only 10 percent of his vision capacity. “But I don’t consider myself to be the champion of misfortune, nor the banner of human pain,” he assured in an extensive text that he wrote at the time, explaining how he felt.

“I will try to be brief and explain as best as I can. The truth is that I had been delaying the decision to share with you my current reality, without the slightest intention of overwhelming you, nothing could be further from my mind; I only need this because my soul dictates that I make this confession, which is already difficult. I hope and wish you understand the true meaning, the reason that compels me to do so,” he began cautiously and continued: “Perhaps many have already noticed, given my difficulty in writing and the times I have to correct.” I don’t know why I delayed in revealing this truth, nor why today and not before, I dedicate myself to doing so.”

Juan José Camero
Juan José Camero

Finally, he got to the point: “The fog has covered my eyes. Other people have different things happen to them, I happened to have this, I can’t read or write like I used to. I have tried everything that can be done so far, since this difficulty began years ago, I have been navigating with my hopes set on countless treatments carried out, but they have not prospered.”

“I must say that my blindness is not total, I don’t need to touch a face to know what it looks like, I can walk around this house without tripping and look out the window and see, albeit blurry, the gifts of nature. I can also, and I do, carefully pick the blessed fruits from the lemon tree that grows from a plant in the backyard of the house I live in,” he shared about his situation and his visits to different doctors: “I have relative blindness, the countless competent professionals I have consulted, to whom I thank for their expected and deep dedication, have determined and agreed that I have only ten percent of my vision capacity, which is almost, and I regret to say this, almost a semi-blindness. The diagnosis, according to hundreds of professionals I have seen, has concluded that it is absolutely irreversible.” Regarding the diagnosis, he said it is called “bilateral maculopathy.”



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