Activist Kémi Séba’s Arrest at Cotonou Airport Shakes Pan-Africanist Community: Urgent Updates

2023-09-15 20:32:00

The activist and Pan-Africanist Kémi Séba has just been arrested at Cotonou Airport, informs the Franco-Spanish lawyer, Me Juan Branco. Who adds: “The national police are seeking to transfer him to the general management. We are mobilizing all our means to free him.”

Real name Stellio (Stélio) Gilles Robert Capo Chichi, born December 9, 1981 in Strasbourg, Kémi Séba is a Franco-Beninese political activist.

From 2017, at the head of his NGO Urgences panafricanistes, he led a fight “against French neocolonialism”. He denounces the CFA franc and the lack of monetary sovereignty which affects countries using this currency, through political demonstrations in all French-speaking African countries. The same year, he was expelled from Senegal and settled in Benin.

#Kémi #Séba #arrested #Cotonou #Airport

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