Actively wanted Flemish 50-year-old pedophile arrested

The man had been placed on Tuesday on the list of the most wanted people in Belgium. Rony Van Weyenberg, 54, was sentenced last Friday by the Ghent Court of Appeal to six years in prison and 10 years in court for the execution of sentences for rape of a minor, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. He was not present in court during the verdict.

The court of appeal had ordered his immediate arrest, but he was not at his home when the police arrived. Since then, Rony Van Weyenberg was the subject of a national and international search on the basis of a European arrest warrant.

On Tuesday, the suspect was placed on Belgium’s Most Wanted list, the list of the most wanted fugitives in our country. Shortly following, a report indicated that the man was in the Netherlands, in Heerlen, near Maastricht. The Belgian FAST team immediately contacted his Dutch colleagues, who were able to locate and arrest him on the spot. The public prosecutor’s office will now request the surrender of R. Van Weyenberg to Belgium.



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