Action plan to improve access to care in the territories

2023-07-13 13:36:02

This action plan, announced by Deputy Minister Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, was built on the basis of feedback from the field, with health professionals and stakeholders from the various territories, in particular during meetings of the National Council for Refoundation, to take into account the health needs of each territory.

Free up medical time with 10,000 medical assistantsmaking the last mile to patients in rural areas with the deployment of 100 doctorbusencourage health professionals to coordinate at the scale of the territory for the benefit of its inhabitants by the generalization of Territorial Professional Health Communities (known as CPTS) throughout the territory or even respond to the desire to work together to create real care teams around patients within 4,000 multi-professional health centers,… this action plan mobilizes all available levers to respond to current health issues.

These very concrete measures should enable more than 2 million French people to have access to a doctor.

1. Free up medical time thanks to 10,000 medical assistants in the territory

The goal: increase from 4,000 to 10,000 medical assistants by the end of 2024, throughout the territory, to free up one to two consultations per day. Time savings for healthcare professionals and better quality of care for patients.

The action plan to get there:

Make the profession known to doctors and target audiences; Simplify and better support the use of a medical assistant by doctors; Adapt the training to better meet the expectations of the actors and work towards the creation of a real profession in the medium term.

Nearly 65 million euros per year in 2023 and 2024 will be devoted to supporting their employment and reaching 10,000 medical assistants.

2. Make the last mile to patients thanks to the deployment of 100 medical buses on the territory

The goal: deploy 100 medical buses, by the end of 2024, in order to cover the territory widely. For health professionals, it means better access to patients who are far from healthcare, and for patients, a general practitioner or a specialist directly available in the municipality.

The action plan to get there:

Build a panel of existing solutions and support them; Launch a call for projects at the start of the 2023 academic year, in conjunction with the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) and Health Insurance and in partnership with local authorities. And encourage the health professionals of the territories organized in CPTS to respond to them; Build dedicated support by the territorial delegates of the ANCT and the ARS in the territories; Dedicate nearly 10 million euros to subsidize projects throughout the territory; Start a first wave of deployment from the first quarter of 2024, a second wave by the end of 2024.

3. Attracting new health professionals to the territories and creating real care teams around patients thanks to the development of 4,000 multi-professional health centers

The goal: have, by 2027, 4,000 multi-professional health centers in the territory. This will allow a simplified care pathway and a greater proximity offer for patients, and the improvement of working conditions for healthcare professionals.

The action plan to get there:

Give visibility and arouse the desire for coordinated exercise among future health professionals; Accompany and support in a personalized way the project leaders of multi-professional health centers; Provide financial support for real estate projects to the tune of 45 million euros over 3 years to build the multi-professional healthcare centers of tomorrow; Make multi-professional health centers the drivers of the transformation of primary care; Prevent risks and support nursing homes in difficulty.

More information in the press kit Action plan: 4,000 multi-professional health centers

4. Improve cooperation between health professionals thanks to the generalization of CPTS throughout the territory

The goal: generalize the territorial professional health communities (CPTS) throughout the territory by the end of 2023. For easier dialogue with the actors of the territory and more links between the city and the hospital for the health professionals. For patients, it means better structured care and easier access to a general practitioner.

The action plan to get there:

Facilitate the deployment of CPTS and assess their impact; Cover all white areas; Publicize the CPTS and mobilize all health professionals; Support the CPTS in carrying out their missions; Consolidate and equip CPTS management. Find the details of the action plan and examples of local initiatives in the press kit

For concrete solutions for access to care in the territories
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