Acopio creates new virtual store “El Viandero”

In the midst of the acute food crisis that is shaking Cuba, characterized by inflation and shortages of basic products, the Provincial Collection Company of Pinar del Río has launched the virtual store “El Viandero”, an initiative that promises to facilitate access to food from the comfort of home.

However, many are wondering whether this measure will really solve the underlying problems or whether it is simply another failed attempt by an entity that has been harshly criticized for its inefficiency.

“El Viandero: A step towards modernization?”

Historically, Acopio has been a key player in the collection and distribution of agricultural products in Cuba, but its reputation has plummeted due to its inefficiency, which has contributed significantly to the current food crisis. Agricultural producers in various provinces, such as Cienfuegos and Artemisa, have repeatedly denounced the multimillion-dollar debts that Acopio owes them, preventing them from reinvesting in their crops and ensuring that the supply chain remains broken.

In addition, the entity has been criticized for its inability to efficiently manage the distribution of products. Tons of food have spoiled in its warehouses due to the lack of transportation and the obsolescence of its infrastructure. Despite recent attempts to “revive” Acopio by injecting resources and reorganizing its processes, many experts doubt that these changes will be enough to reverse decades of mismanagement.

New virtual store “El Viandero”

Physically located in the state agricultural market (MAE) La Línea, in the city of Pinar del Río, the store offers the option of picking up the products at the establishment or having them delivered to your home at no additional cost within the municipality. This last option is particularly relevant in the current context, where fuel and transportation shortages have made getting around a challenge for many residents.

Mariuska Hernández Fernández, Development Director of the Provincial Collection Company, explained that this new virtual store is part of a group of actions designed to improve the quality of the services offered by the company. “This is our way of commemorating the 35th anniversary of the creation of the Ministry of Agriculture and the fifth anniversary of the Collection Business Group,” she told Workers.

They indicated that the store is available through the platform Enzonaand they are working to also incorporate the option of payment through Transfermobile.

Offers include food, vegetables, grains and fruits, as well as processed and semi-processed products, with the additional option of purchasing combos.

With the launch of “El Viandero”, the Provincial Collection Company is trying to present itself as a modern entity, adapted to the times and capable of responding to the needs of the population. However, recent history suggests that structural inefficiency and lack of confidence in its capabilities could cause this initiative to fall short of consumer expectations.

You can access the “El Viandero” virtual store through the following link: Through this platform, you can make purchases of food and other basic products from anywhere, using devices such as computers or mobile phones.

In a country where food is scarce and prices are sky-high, the real test for “El Viandero” will be whether it can guarantee a constant and affordable supply for the population, something that Acopio has not achieved so far.

#Acopio #creates #virtual #store #Viandero



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