Acidic foods can cause oral disease

Carelessness with oral health is a risk factor for the loss of minerals from the teeth, which can cause cavities, which, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss.

In addition to dedicating yourself to oral hygiene, it is worth paying attention to what you eat, as more acidic foods cause tooth demineralization.

Demineralization is a process characterized by the loss of calcium, which is responsible for giving resistance to the outermost layer of the tooth, the tooth enamel.

To avoid oral problems, dentist Ilana Marques, from the IGM Odontopediatria clinic, lists some simple precautions such as:

  • Floss daily;
  • Brush your teeth at least three times a day or after main meals;
  • Follow up with the dentist periodically;
  • Be aware of signs such as bleeding when brushing and injuries that take more than two weeks without improving.

what to avoid

According to Ilana, acidic foods, when consumed frequently, will also make the oral cavity acidic.

Some examples of acidic foods are those rich in sugars such as chocolates, paçoquinhas, stuffed cookies and candies. “Foods considered healthy, such as cereal bars, should also be avoided”, he adds.

The expert shares a prevention tip. “Whenever you eat dangerous foods, it’s important to eat protective foods, which are all kinds of nuts, cheese and salt popcorn”, points out Ilana.

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