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Acid Toxic, Regulating Your Uric Acid for Weight Loss and Health (Dr. David Perlmutter)

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Acid Toxic, Regulating Your Uric Acid for Weight Loss and Health, by Dr. David Perlmutter, ed. Marregarding.
A pioneer in the study of the harmful effects of sugar and gluten on health, the American physician David Perlmutter took advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to have a revelation. It was indeed in the fall of 2020 that he became fully aware of the importance of uric acid for metabolic balance. Far from being just a simple waste product evacuated in the urine, uric acid plays an underestimated role throughout the body. And, on the other hand, his deleterious involvement is not limited to the only gout and kidney stones as it has too often been confined. For Perlmutter, it’s quite simple: the commonality between obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, it is a high level of uric acid. And he pleads first and foremost for him to become a biomarker in its own right, to be controlled in the same way as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol or even weight. Since uric acid only comes from three sources (fructose, alcohol, and purines), Perlmutter only needs to correct a few eating habits, sleep well, and exercise to regulate his acid levels. uric. He concocted a protocol called LUV for Lower Uric Values. On paper, this program follows simple rules:
- avoid gluten which promotes inflammation,
- prohibit organ meats, seafood, cold cuts and beer which are too rich in purine,
- spirits that are too high in alcohol, and all forms of processed sugars.
What’s left to chew on? Broccoli and broccoli sprouts, cherries, blueberries, red onions, walnuts, cucumber, avocado, salads, cabbage, mushrooms, green beans, peas, chickpeas… In short, everything a greengrocer has on his stall during the day of the market.
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