Achieving Weight Loss Success Through the Power of a Nutritious Breakfast

2024-09-07 05:00:28

Many people who want to lose weight think that the best way out is to stop eating, as if food were harmful to health. However, scientific research proves that sustainable weight loss is not achieved by going hungry.

The best strategy for losing weight is to ensure a calorie deficit by planning your meals in a healthy way. This tip is especially useful for breakfast, which is often compromised by lack of time.

Published in the journal Obesity in 2020, a review of studies carried out by doctors at the University of Lisbon showed that 97% of people who manage to maintain a stable weight report having breakfast every day.

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“Several studies associate the habit of eating breakfast with weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight. Even for those who don’t like to eat after waking up, I recommend having a snack, eating yogurt or eating a piece of fruit. This way, we give our bodies what they need to function properly, without creating glucose imbalances,” explains nutritionist Aline Xavier Maboni, who works in Rio de Janeiro.

To be able to include breakfast in a weight loss plan, it is necessary to make healthy menu choices. Baked goods and cakes, for example, should not become regular items on the table due to the excess sugar.

Learn how to use breakfast to lose weight Ensure your fiber intake

A study, published in the journal Science and Public Health in 2021, it was pointed out that Brazilians eat less than half the amount of fiber recommended per day by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Breakfast is a great opportunity to reverse this behavior by including whole grains, oats and fruit in your meal. Fiber helps those who are trying to lose weight by creating a type of absorbent film in the intestine, which reduces the absorption of fat and promotes satiety.

A good strategy is to choose fruits with low calorie density. Some examples are strawberries, watermelon, melon, papaya, kiwi, orange, tangerine and pineapple.

A healthy breakfast should include a variety of nutrients. Increase the amount of protein

Breakfast should also help ensure you get your daily protein intake. Nutritionists recommend eating around 0.8 grams of protein for every kilo of body weight, which is 56 grams for someone weighing 70 kilos.

Nutritionist Bruno Rua, from Brasília, says that the ideal is to get 15% of the recommended protein intake at breakfast. A 200 ml glass of milk and a handful of almonds already guarantees this amount.

“Increasing protein levels at breakfast increases satiety and reduces food intake later on, which enhances overall weight loss,” says Bruno.

Add healthy fats

Not all fat is bad for the body. In fact, it is essential for the production of hormones and the regulation of body temperature. However, you need to know how to choose the healthiest sources of fat to include in your diet.

Avocados, nuts and eggs, for example, contain monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, which are healthy and help the body function.

A study published in the journal Foods em 2019 points out that fats of this type regulate the main hunger hormones, reducing appetite and facilitating the weight loss process.

Limit carbohydrates

Although they are often seen as the villain, carbohydrates also play a fundamental role in the body by providing energy for daily activities. This is why it is important to include them in the first meal of the day, preventing the body from using more noble sources of health, such as proteins, to obtain energy.

Nutritionist Aline Maboni recommends making couscous without butter or crepioca (a mixture of egg and tapioca starch, stuffed with low-fat cheese), which have good nutritional value and are not excessively high in calories. If you can include grains, such as chia or flaxseed, even better.

See what to avoid for breakfast if your goal is weight loss: 9 imagesClose modal.1 of 9

Salt bread – The ideal is not to consume in excess and always add a source of protein to the bread, such as fresh cheese or an egg prepared with little fat.

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Milk – Whole milk is very fatty

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Processed juices – Some juices should be avoided because they contain excessive amounts of sugar

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Breakfast cereals – Most of the breakfast cereal options available on the market are high in sugar, fat and preservatives.

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Cheese bread – It is a very fatty food, as it is made from oil and cheese

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Processed yogurts – In addition to having almost no fruit in their composition, they have excess sugar

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Cakes – Cakes should be thought about considering the quantity, as they have an excess of carbohydrates.

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Sausages – All sausages should be avoided

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Processed cheeses – Cheeses can be allies, but more industrialized versions, such as cheddar, should be avoided.


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Does‌ eating breakfast start your metabolism

How to ‍Use Breakfast to Lose ⁣Weight: A Comprehensive Guide

Many people who ​want to lose‌ weight think ‍that the best way ‍out is‍ to stop eating, as if food were⁣ harmful to health. However,⁤ scientific research proves that sustainable weight loss is not achieved by going ⁣hungry. In ‌fact,⁤ a review of studies published in the journal Obesity in ‌2020 showed that 97% of⁣ people who manage to maintain a‍ stable weight report having breakfast‌ every day [[3]].

The best strategy for losing weight is⁢ to ensure a calorie deficit by planning your meals in a healthy​ way. This‍ tip ​is ⁤especially ‍useful for breakfast, which is often compromised by lack of time. To be able to include ⁣breakfast in ⁤a weight loss plan, it is necessary to make healthy‍ menu ⁤choices.

Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

According to dietitians, ⁤some of the best breakfast ideas for weight loss include egg muffins, Greek yogurt with berries and chia seeds, peanut butter oats, and raspberries [[1]][[2]]. These breakfast options​ are high in protein, fiber, and​ healthy fats, which can ⁣help keep you full and satisfied until your next⁣ meal.

Increase ​Fiber Intake

A study published in the journal Science‍ and Public⁢ Health in ⁣2021 pointed ‌out that Brazilians eat less than​ half the amount of fiber recommended per day by the World Health Organization (WHO)​ [[3]]. Breakfast is a great opportunity to reverse this behavior by including whole grains, oats, ⁤and fruit in your meal. Fiber‍ helps those who⁢ are trying to lose weight by creating a type of absorbent film ​in the intestine, which reduces the absorption of fat and promotes satiety.

Choose Fruits with Low Calorie Density

A good strategy is to choose fruits with low calorie density, ​such as strawberries, watermelon, melon, papaya, kiwi, orange, ⁤tangerine,⁤ and pineapple. These fruits are not only​ low‍ in calories but also rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that can help support weight loss.

Increase Protein Intake

Breakfast should also ‌help ensure you get your daily protein intake. Nutritionists recommend eating around⁣ 0.8 grams of​ protein for every kilo of body weight, which is 56 grams for someone weighing 70 kilos [[3]]. A 200⁤ ml glass of milk ⁣and a handful of almonds ‍already guarantees this amount.‌ Increasing ⁤protein levels at breakfast ⁢increases satiety and reduces food ⁢intake later on, which enhances overall weight loss.

Add Healthy Fats

Not all fat is bad for the body. In fact, it is essential​ for the production of hormones and the regulation of body ‌temperature. However, ⁤you need ⁣to know​ how to choose the healthiest sources of fat to⁣ include in⁢ your diet. Avocados, ‍nuts, and ⁤eggs, for ‌example, contain monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats,⁢ which are ⁢healthy and help the body function.

Limit Carbohydrates

Although they are often seen as the villain, carbohydrates also play ⁢a fundamental role in the body by providing energy for daily activities. This is ‍why‌ it is important⁤ to include them in the first meal⁣ of the day, preventing the body ⁣from using more noble sources of health, such as proteins, to obtain energy. Nutritionist Aline Maboni recommends making couscous without butter or crepioca (a mixture of egg and tapioca

Does eating breakfast start your metabolism

The Importance of Breakfast for Sustainable Weight Loss

Many people who want to lose weight think that the best way out is to stop eating, as if food were harmful to health. However, scientific research proves that sustainable weight loss is not achieved by going hungry. The best strategy for losing weight is to ensure a calorie deficit by planning your meals in a healthy way, especially breakfast, which is often compromised by lack of time.

According to a review of studies published in the journal Obesity in 2020, 97% of people who manage to maintain a stable weight report having breakfast every day [[1]]. Nutritionist Aline Xavier Maboni recommends having a snack, eating yogurt or eating a piece of fruit, even for those who don’t like to eat after waking up, to give the body what it needs to function properly without creating glucose imbalances.

Breakfast for Weight Loss: Ensure Your Fiber Intake

A study published in the journal Science and Public Health in 2021 revealed that Brazilians eat less than half the amount of fiber recommended per day by the World Health Organization (WHO). Breakfast is a great opportunity to reverse this behavior by including whole grains, oats, and fruit in your meal. Fiber helps those who are trying to lose weight by creating a type of absorbent film in the intestine, which reduces the absorption of fat and promotes satiety.

Choose fruits with low calorie density, such as strawberries, watermelon, melon, papaya, kiwi, orange, tangerine, and pineapple. A high-fiber breakfast can help you feel full and satisfied until lunchtime, making it easier to stick to your weight loss plan.

Increase Protein Intake at Breakfast

Breakfast should also help ensure you get your daily protein intake. Nutritionists recommend eating around 0.8 grams of protein for every kilo of body weight, which is 56 grams for someone weighing 70 kilos. Nutritionist Bruno Rua suggests getting 15% of the recommended protein intake at breakfast, which can be achieved with a 200 ml glass of milk and a handful of almonds.

Increasing protein levels at breakfast increases satiety and reduces food intake later on, which enhances overall weight loss. Here are some high-protein breakfast ideas:

Egg Muffins [[3]]

Greek Yogurt With Berries and Chia Seeds [[3]]

Peanut Butter Oats [[3]]

Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs [[2]]

Add Healthy Fats to Your Breakfast

Not all fat is bad for the body. In fact, it is essential for the production of hormones and the regulation of body temperature. However, you need to know how to choose the healthiest sources of fat to include in your diet. Avocados, nuts, and eggs contain monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, which are healthy and help the body function.

A study published in the journal Foods in 2019 found that fats of this type regulate the main hunger hormones, reducing appetite and facilitating the weight loss process. Add healthy fats to your breakfast with these ideas:

Avocado Toast with Scrambled Eggs [[2]]

Greek Yogurt with Nuts and Seeds [[2]]

* Omelette with Vegetables and Cheese [[2]]

Limit Carbohydrates at Breakfast

Although they are often seen as the villain, carbohydrates also play a fundamental role in the body by providing energy for daily activities. This is why it is important to include them in the first meal of the day, preventing the body from using more noble sources of health, such as proteins, to obtain energy.

Nutritionist Aline Maboni recommends making couscous without butter or crepioca (a mixture of egg and tapioca starch, stuffed with low-fat cheese), which have good nutritional value and are not excessively high in calories. If you can include grains, such as chia or flaxseed, even better.

a healthy breakfast that includes fiber, protein, healthy fats, and limited carbohydrates can help jumpstart your weight loss journey. Avoid baked goods and cakes, and opt for whole grains, fruits, and lean protein sources instead. With a little planning and creativity, you can create a breakfast that not only tastes great but also supports your weight



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