2023-12-18 15:12:00
This housing must be affordable and sustainable, to cope with population growth and the increase in the number of single-parent families, as well as to achieve Belgium’s objectives in terms of carbon neutrality.
Faced with this observation, the sectoral federation has developed recommendations intended for the different levels of power. For the Walloon Region, Embuild is calling, among other things, for a strengthening of public investments, as part of the recovery plan and the “Mobility and infrastructure for all” plan. It also proposes to review real estate taxation, by reducing registration fees for the acquisition of efficient housing, or for which energy improvement work is planned.
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Emphasis is also placed on the labor shortage in the sector, which lacks nearly 15,000 workers in Belgium. To reduce it, Embuild Wallonie proposes in particular to mobilize job seekers, but also to work on the integration of young people into the sector, to encourage older workers to become tutors, or to strengthen the offer. training.
Concerning the Brussels Region, Embuild underlines that 50 renovations per day would be necessary by 2050 to achieve carbon neutrality, and move from 1% renovation to the 3% set by climate objectives. Faced with this situation, the federation is asking to reduce the administrative costs of new constructions, which sometimes amount to up to 50% of the total price of the property, according to the general director of Embuild.Brussels, Jean-Christophe Vanderhaegen, and discourage therefore potential investors.
Finally, at the federal level, the federation is calling for a strengthening of overall public investments for the next legislatures, in order to ensure the sustainability of the country’s infrastructure. “For the moment, we only devote 2.7% of our GDP to public investments, much less than the 3.4% of our neighboring countries,” underlines Embuild in this regard.
It will also be necessary to extend the reduced VAT rate, already applied for individuals, to demolition-reconstruction carried out by real estate developers, according to Nico Demeester, CEO of Embuild.
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