Achieve a Healthy Postpartum Recovery: The Ultimate Guide to Confinement and Body Repair

2023-06-21 08:39:40

Healthy confinement.Help the body repair, three aspects to create a postpartum conditioning plan

Text/Tiffany interview and consultation/Li Liangyi, head nurse of Taian Postpartum Nursing Home. Confinement wife Li Yujie. Photo provided by Chen Yingrong, nutritionist of Xindian Gengxin Hospital/shutterstock

After giving birth to the baby safely, the mother was finally able to unload the burden of nearly 10 months and get rid of many annoying symptoms.

However, many mothers will find that compared with pre-pregnancy, the body seems to have changed slightly, and the state is not as good as before. At this time, it is necessary to take good care of the confinement period, take good care of the body, and avoid the occurrence of “If you don’t do well within a month, you will be old when you are old.” difficult” situation.

How to do confinement in a healthy way? From the three aspects of confinement method, diet and body repair, we create a perfect postpartum conditioning plan for mothers from the inside out!

Healthy confinement.Help the body repair, three aspects to create a postpartum conditioning plan

Confinement method

With the change of the concept of the times, there are more and more ways of confinement. Mothers want to pursue a comfortable confinement quality. The services provided by postpartum care homes are constantly being updated to meet the various needs of mothers.

As for Duobao mothers or groups who like to confine themselves at home, confinement sisters are also a popular option. The one-on-one service can be customized, and an exclusive confinement plan can be formulated for mothers.

Li Liangyi, head nurse of Taian Postpartum Nursing Home, pointed out that due to the impact of the epidemic in recent years, postpartum care institutions have paid more attention to planning of infection control, visitors, and moving lines. services.

Some mothers are accustomed to the living environment at home, and look forward to confinement at home after giving birth. If the elders in the family cannot help, they will choose to invite “maternal confinement” to confinement at home.

According to Li Yujie’s years of service experience, confinement sisters take care of mothers and newborns as the core of their work. The rhythm of family life.

Healthy confinement.Help the body repair, three aspects to create a postpartum conditioning plan

Diet content

Generally speaking, mothers will choose to have a confinement period of 30 to 45 days to get enough rest.

The content of the diet at this stage will be a major focus. Whether you eat well or not is related to the recovery of the wound and the nutrition of the milk. Grasp the principle of balanced diet, and properly match it with medicinal diet conditioning, which will help to speed up body repair and improve the quantity and quality of milk.

Chen Yingrong, a nutritionist at Xindian Gengshen Hospital, said that the postpartum diet should start with light seasoning. Mothers who want to breastfeed after giving birth only need to consume 500 calories more than usual per day.

In addition, the oil used for cooking and the fat of the food itself will indirectly affect the fat of breast milk. You should eat less food with high saturated fatty acids. It is recommended to use olive oil, avocado oil, canola oil, etc. as cooking oils , in order to ensure the nutrition of the milk and provide the baby with good quality breast milk.

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From the perspective of Chinese medicine, confinement is done well, which can speed up the healing of wounds, adjust the Qi and blood damaged by pregnancy, and even some women have the opportunity to improve the original gynecological diseases, including menstrual pain, menstrual irregularities, etc. has a significant effect. Grasping the key points of recuperation at each stage will help mothers recover their physical strength.

body repair

Exhausting all my strength, I finally “squeezed” the baby out, like going through a tug-of-war. However, the end of childbirth does not mean that the tiredness of the body is relieved. All kinds of postpartum pains are the big devils that mothers are going to face! Regardless of whether it is a natural birth or a caesarean section, it is necessary to go through a period of recovery. How to take good care of the body will be the focus of the confinement period.

Most women who give birth naturally will perform vaginal scissors to reduce the lacerations caused by the fetus. After the delivery is over, the doctor will suture the wound.

Li Liangyi, the head nurse, pointed out that the sutures of the perineal wound will be absorbed by the body automatically, and there is no need to remove the stitches. If you feel discomfort such as wound swelling and pain in the first two days after delivery, you can use ice compresses to relieve discomfort. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can rinse with warm water Or soak in warm water. Appropriate uterine massage can help the recovery of the uterus and the discharge of lochia, and prevent postpartum hemorrhage caused by poor uterine contraction.

For cesarean delivery, the wound should be kept dry for about one to two weeks after delivery; two to four weeks after delivery, most of the wounds have healed, so no special care is needed. If the mother is concerned about aesthetics, a scar prevention patch or gel can be used until six months postpartum.

※The original article was published in the June 2023 issue of “Mom and Baby” Issue 436.

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