Achaia’s Schools Implement Proactive Strategies in Response to Drug Crisis

The alarm that sounded last April in Patrasbut also more broadly, from the shocking incident of drug trafficking of substances in a school complex in the city, teachers, parents and students will be sitting at their desks from next week.

A lesson on the prevention of substance use, but also dealing with all modern threats.

<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="wp-image-585074 alignleft" src="" alt="Eugenia Pierri” width=”208″ height=”205″ title=”Prevention in the schools of Achaia after the drug shock” srcset=” 350w,×296.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 208px) 100vw, 208px”/>”Throughout the summer we collaborated with OKANA, the “Kallipolis” Prevention Center and the Deputy Regional Health Minister Anna Mastorakou, in order to develop a substantial and effective information program about drugs and addictions in generalhe told us the director of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia Eugenia Pierreor he added: “On the 18th of the month we have a meeting with all the directors of the school units exclusively on this issue. On the 19th of the month, the Education consultants will be trained by the scientific team of “Kallipolis” and the following week, September 24-26, the principals of the schools will be informed by OKANA whose team will then inform teachers, parents, students. We will all “recruit” and work together for prevention”.

Mrs. Pierri emphasizes that it is essential to train the educational world, so that they can identify behaviors and movements that indicate that something is happening and be able to act appropriately. “This matter is not a matter of indifference and we all have a responsibility and we should take it on,” he emphasizes.

Anna Mastorakou

In the common front against addictions, the Deputy Governor of Health, Anna Mastorakou, actively participates. “We collaborated with Ms. Pierri and the director of Primary Education, Mr. Kladis, and we are forgetting the implementation of a more systematic and expanded information and awareness program not only for drugs, but for all modern challenges. “Kallipolis” has an essential role in this. We give special importance to the awareness of teachers, so that they can detect when something is happening.”


To our question if responsibilities were found among the teachers of the school complex, where the trafficking took place, the director of education answered us: “As the Education administration, during the period when the event broke out, we operated in support of the schools. What came first was the management of the crisis. You don’t deal with the management of the crisis by causing a second crisis, because that would break up the school communities.” She informs that “a disciplinary procedure was followed. We requested written explanations from the managers. What they replied to us is that they had not realized the fact. From then on, the Police have been involved, to which we were called and all those involved testified. If responsibilities arise for teachers, be sure that they will be paid.”

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#Prevention #schools #Achaia #drug #shock

– What preventative‍ measures ​are being implemented in Achaia schools following the drug trafficking incident?

Prevention in ⁣the Schools of Achaia after the Drug Shock

The alarm sounded⁣ last April in Patras, Greece, after a​ shocking incident of drug trafficking in a ‍school⁣ complex⁣ in the ⁤city.⁢ The incident raised concerns among teachers, parents, and students, highlighting the need for effective ‍prevention measures to address modern‌ threats. In response, the Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia, in collaboration with OKANA, the “Kallipolis” Prevention ⁣Center, and the Deputy Regional Health Minister Anna Mastorakou, has developed a comprehensive⁤ information program to educate students, teachers, and parents ⁣about drugs and addictions.

A Holistic Approach to Prevention

The program, which begins next week, aims to train the educational community to identify ⁢behaviors and movements that⁤ indicate drug use and addiction. “This matter is not a matter of indifference, and we all have a ⁣responsibility to address it,” emphasized Eugenia Pierri, the director of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia. The program will​ involve ⁤training‌ for education consultants,⁢ school principals, teachers, parents, and students, with ⁢the goal of creating a united front against addictions.

Collaboration and Education

The Deputy Governor of Health, Anna Mastorakou, is actively participating in the program, recognizing the importance of education and awareness ⁣in preventing drug use and addiction. “We‍ collaborated with ‍Ms. Pierri and ‍the director of Primary Education, Mr. Kladis, to implement ​a more⁤ systematic and expanded information‍ and awareness program not only for drugs⁣ but for all modern challenges,” Mastorakou stated.

Responsibilities and Accountability

In response to the drug⁢ trafficking incident, ‌the​ education administration operated ⁢in support of the schools, managing ⁣the crisis and following a disciplinary procedure. While no responsibilities were found among the teachers of the school complex,‍ the administration ⁣emphasized that if responsibilities arise, they ⁣will be addressed.

A United Front Against Addictions

The program’s success relies ‌on the collaboration and commitment of all stakeholders, including⁤ teachers, parents, students, and the wider ‍community. By working together, we can create a ‌safer and healthier environment for our children, promoting education, awareness, ‍and prevention as the ​most effective ‍tools against drug use and addiction.


Prevention in schools

Drug‌ trafficking

Drug‍ use and addiction

Education and awareness

Collaboration and responsibility

⁢ Achaia, Greece


“Kallipolis” Prevention Center

Deputy Regional Health Minister Anna Mastorakou

Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia

Eugenia Pierri

Meta Description:

The Directorate of​ Secondary Education of Achaia, in collaboration with⁢ OKANA and the Deputy Regional Health Minister, launches a comprehensive information program ⁤to address drug use and addiction in schools. The program⁣ aims to educate students,‍ teachers, and parents, promoting​ education,​ awareness, and prevention as ‍the most⁤ effective tools against modern threats.

Header ​Tags:

H1: Prevention

– What measures are being implemented in schools across Achaia to prevent substance abuse after the drug trafficking incident?

Comprehensive Article on Prevention in Schools of Achaia after Drug Trafficking Incident


The alarming incident of drug trafficking in a school complex in Patras, Greece, last April, shocked the entire nation. In response to this shocking event, educators, parents, and students are joining forces to combat the rising threat of substance abuse among the youth. From next week, a comprehensive program aimed at preventing substance use and addressing modern threats will be launched in schools across Achaia.

The Need for a Comprehensive Approach

Eugenia Pierri, Director of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia, emphasizes the importance of training educational professionals to identify behaviors and movements that indicate substance abuse. “This matter is not a matter of indifference, and we all have a responsibility and should take it on,” she stresses.

Collaboration with OKANA, “Kallipolis” Prevention Center, and the Deputy Regional Health Minister

Throughout the summer, the Achaia Education Directorate collaborated with OKANA, the “Kallipolis” Prevention Center, and Deputy Regional Health Minister Anna Mastorakou to develop an effective information program about drugs and addictions in general. This collaboration aims to provide educators, parents, and students with the necessary tools and knowledge to prevent substance abuse.

Training and Information Programs

On September 18, a meeting will be held with all school directors to discuss the implementation of the prevention program. The following day, Education consultants will be trained by the scientific team of “Kallipolis.” From September 24 to 26, OKANA’s team will inform principals of schools, who will then inform teachers, parents, and students.

The Deputy Regional Health Minister’s Active Participation

Anna Mastorakou, Deputy Regional Health Minister, is actively participating in the common front against addictions. “We collaborated with Ms. Pierri and the director of Primary Education, Mr. Kladis, to implement a more systematic and expanded information and awareness program not only for drugs but for all modern challenges,” she explains.

Responsibilities and Crisis Management

When asked about responsibilities among teachers of the school complex where the trafficking took place, Eugenia Pierri replied that the Education administration operated in support of the schools during the crisis period. “What came first was the management of the crisis. You don’t deal with the management of the crisis by causing a second crisis, because that would break up the school communities.”


The joint effort of educators, parents, and students, alongside the support of OKANA, the “Kallipolis” Prevention Center, and the Deputy Regional Health Minister, marks a crucial step towards preventing substance abuse in schools. By raising awareness and providing the necessary tools, we can work together to create a safer and healthier environment for our youth.

SEO Keywords:

Prevention in schools

Drug trafficking

Substance abuse


“Kallipolis” Prevention Center

Deputy Regional Health Minister



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