2023-07-19 14:46:29
It was a fairly pissed off Marc Ferracci who spoke on Wednesday July 19 in the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee. Just over a week following being challenged by information site Blast for a potential conflict of interest around the bill “for full employment”, the deputy Renaissance of the French from abroad announced to renounce to be co-rapporteur of the text.
“Given the legal actions that I have already launched, and that I might continue to launch, I wish to be able to defend my probity and my honor calmly and without the opposition taking advantage of it to disrupt the examination of the text. . It is for this reason that I have decided to give up my role as rapporteur., explained Marc Ferracci, who claims to have filed a complaint, Tuesday, July 18, once morest the information site for “defamation”.
The bill, adopted on July 12 in the Senate and which must be examined in the fall in the National Assembly, must reform the public employment service by transforming in particular Pôle emploi into France Travail and aims at the automatic registration of all job seekers at the operator. A development that might “benefit personally” to Marc Ferracci as well as to his father, Pierre Ferracci, according to Blast.
The news site believes that the consulting group Alpha, chaired by Pierre Ferracci, has become “the main private operator of Pôle emploi” following an agreement made in 2021 with Aksis, a partner of the public agency, to create a new company, Alliance Skills. While Marc Ferracci is a 35% shareholder in Icare Finance, the holding company holding the majority of shares in the Alpha group, the site Blast wrote that he might ” to profit from “ financially from the strong increase in activity linked to the creation of France Travail.
“False” claims
An assertion challenged by the deputy of the French of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. “These claims are simply false”he wrote in a statement on July 13, stating that the Alpha group “has ceased all placement services on behalf of Pôle emploi since 2016”. The alliance between Aksis and the Alpha group “explicitly excludes from its scope the Pôle emploi markets specific to jobseekers registered with Pôle emploi”, he adds. The entourage of the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, did not wish to comment and simply said “respect the decision” by Marc Ferracci, for which Mr. Dussopt has “esteem”.
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#Accused #conflict #interest #Marc #Ferracci #renounces #corapporteur #full #employment #bill