Accused of aggravated sexual assault by actress Adèle Haenel, director Christophe Ruggia will be tried on December 9 and 10

The investigating judge noted two aggravating circumstances: the actress’s minority at the time of the events and the filmmaker’s position of authority.

Published on 08/03/2024 14:49 Updated on 08/03/2024 19:32

Reading time: 3 min Director Christophe Ruggia at the Paris courthouse on June 29, 2023, and actress Adèle Haenel at the Salle Pleyel in Paris on February 28, 2020. (PAUL-LOUIS GODIER,BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

An investigating judge ordered, on Tuesday, August 3, that director Christophe Ruggia be tried on December 9 and 10 before the Paris Criminal Court for aggravated sexual assaults committed on actress Adèle Haenel, franceinfo learned from the Paris prosecutor’s office on Saturday, confirming information from AFP. The events occurred between September 1, 2001 and February 10, 2004.

The magistrate, however, decided to dismiss the charges of sexual assault during two international film festivals in Marrakech and Japan. She noted two aggravating circumstances: the actress’s minority at the time of the events and the filmmaker’s position of authority. The accused faces a sentence of ten years in prison and a fine of 150,000 euros.

“More than twenty years after the start of the pedocriminal assaults that I suffered for years, and following a painful and tireless journey to obtain justice, I receive today the news of the trial with great emotion”reacted Adèle Haenel to Mediapart. “I hope that this news will give strength to all those who work against patriarchal violence in society and without whom I myself would not have the strength to persevere in the quest for justice today.”she added.

Asked by franceinfo, Fanny Colin, lawyer for Christophe Ruggia, did not wish to comment on the substance, but wanted to emphasize the fact that the investigating judge dismissed the case “for some of the facts reported by Mrs. Haenel”The lawyer also wanted to point out that “the obligation of care initially ordered as part of the judicial supervision of Christophe Ruggia was immediately removed by the investigating chamber”.

In her referral order consulted by AFP, the investigating judge highlighted in particular the denunciations “in a detailed, constant and precise manner” by Adèle Haenel, “his state of shock” at the time of the facts, “psychological repercussions” attacks, “the significant age difference between the two protagonists” et “the occurrence of progressive psychological constraint” imposed by the director.

In this case, Christophe Ruggia has been under investigation since January 16, 2020 for “sexual assault on a minor under 15 by a person having authority over the victim”. He was placed under judicial supervision, with in particular a ban on contact with Adèle Haenel, an obligation to inform the investigating judge of any travel outside the national territory as well as an obligation to receive treatment.

Adèle Haenel has joined the case as a civil party. The investigation allowed for numerous hearings of relatives and the film crew, psychiatric and psychological assessments of Christophe Ruggia, as well as an assessment for the exploitation of computer and telephone equipment. The accused was heard three times by the investigating judge. A confrontation was also organized on June 29, 2023.



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