Accusations of non-respect of parity in the next legislative elections between BBY and YAW, on the front page

Dakar, May 21 (APS) – The daily newspapers received by APS on Saturday highlighted the accusations of non-compliance with the law on parity on the lists of candidates for the legislative elections of July 31, between the Benno Bokk coalitions Yaakaar (presidential majority) and Yewwi Askan Wi (main opposition force).

On Friday evening, in statements to the press, the Benno Bokk Yaakaar (BBY) and Yewwi Askan Wi (YAW) coalitions accused each other of not respecting parity on the lists of candidates for the July 31 legislative elections.

The representative of YAW, Déthié Fall, declared having found by checking the lists of the BBY coalition that the latter had not respected parity. In the evening, in turn, the representative of the presidential majority coalition Benoit Sambou accused YAW of non-respect of parity at the level of 15 out of 28 departmental lists.

”Big mortgage for the two largest coalitions in the legislative elections: the worst-case scenario for BBY and YAW” displays on its front page Vox Populi.

”The thrust at Benno Bokk Yaakaar?” asks this newspaper.

”In any case, yesterday, the members of the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition namely Déthié Fall, Khalifa Sall, Ousmane Sonko, Cheikh Tidiane Youm, Habib Sy and the honorable deputy Aîda Mbodji gave a perilous blow to the presidential coalition, by flushing out a reason for rejection of the national list”, according to the newspaper..

Vox Populi quotes Déthié Fall who declares: “We have been interested all day in Benno Bokk Yaakaar’s list. When we checked, we realized that on the national list at 43 rd and 44 th position, there are two women who follow each other: Rokhaya Ndao and Maïmouna Ndiaye. The first at 43rd and the second at 44th position”.

The publication indicates that the presidential camp responded to the YAW coalition just following the press conference organized by its leaders.

”We also scrutinized as the law allows us, the competing lists. I started with Yewwi Askan Wi who had just passed us. (…) I noted imperfections on 15 departmental lists which do not respect parity” affirmed the representative of BBY.

In detail, he cited among others, the departments of Mbour, Thiès, Goudomp, Rufisque, Dagana, Vélingara, Fatick, Kolda, Koungheul, Louga and Dakar.

On this subject, headlines Le Quotidien: ”respect for the law on parity: YAW and Benno: equal in the face of error”.

The publication adds: ”Benno’s list threatened with rejection. Mimi and Benoît index 15 departmental lists of Yewwi”. The newspaper notes that at the level of the substitutes of the national list of Benno, two women follow each other, in this case Rokhaya Ndao and Maïmouna Ndiaye.

According to Le Quotidien, the mayor of Ziguinchor, Ousmane Sonko ”with a smirk, mocks the head of the list of the presidential coalition”.

“Aunty Mimi, bye bye! The woman with immense knowledge, you have the curse of the elections. You’re never going to speed up,” Sonko teased.

”Validity of the electoral lists of BBY and YAW: towards an electoral earthquake!”, estimates for its part Enquête.

The newspaper informs that ”this is what can be called an earthquake”. He specifies ”following the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition of Dakar was declared inadmissible by the committee for receiving applications set up by the Ministry of the Interior, it is today the national list of Benno Bokk Yaakaar which risk the same fate.

The publication returned to Benno Bokk Yaakaar’s press statement.

She gives the floor to Aminata Touré, the head of the national list of this coalition who declares: ”obviously the list of Benno Bokk Yaakaar will mobilize to win the elections”.

”There is no doubt regarding it. We will go to the elections and we will come out victorious,” she assured her activists and supporters.

Walfquotidien regarding this risk of rejection of the coalition led by the former Prime Minister and former president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council speaks of ”Thunderclap at the level of the presidential coalition”.

The newspaper writes on its front page: ”Non-respect of parity: Yewwi invalidates Benno’s list”.

”After a day of verification, Déthié Fall, Yewwi’s representative, found a flaw in the list. It does not respect parity. According to him, on the national list at the 43rd and 44th position, two women follow each other. They are Rokhaya Ndao and Maïmouna Ndiaye”, reports Walf.

”July 31 Legislative: BBY/YAW, the war of the lists”, bars the front page of AS which in detail largely returned to the press declarations centered essentially on accusations of non-respect of Parity by the two major coalitions in perspective of the next elections for the renewal of the National Assembly.

Other publications including l’Observateur, les Echos reported the murder in Pikine (suburb of Dakar) of a lady in her multi-service canteen by a gang.

”Horror in the suburbs: the true story of the murder of the lady Kiné Gaye last night in Pikine”, poster on its front page L’Obs.

According to the newspaper, “the manager of establishments Serigne Mansour Sy, specializing in money transfers, was killed in Pikine by criminals whose amount they took away is unknown at the moment”.

The Obs indicates that an investigation has been opened by the Pikine police to follow up the case.

”Butcher’s shop in Pikine rue 10: a lady coldly killed in her agency” writes Les Echos which specifies that ”Fatou Kiné Gaye was 6 months pregnant” and speaks of a ”villainous crime”.

According to Les Echos: ”the unscrupulous visitors, seeing that the young lady was alone, violently attacked her before trying to get hold of the money from the cash register”.

“But, faced with fierce resistance from the lady, they used their bladed weapons once morest her, before quietly disappearing into the wild, taking the money,” explains the publication.

For its part, Bès bi le journal was interested in Health, in particular at the national university hospital center in Fann, which had to cancel its surgeries for reasons of a water cut on Thursday.

”Fann: surgeries canceled due to lack of water” headlines Bès bi the newspaper.

“Scandalous!”, exclaimed this daily newspaper which reports that no drop of water flowed during the Day on Thursday and informs that the Management has presented its apologies and reassures.

The Sun came back to him on road checks and underlines that to ”’curb dangerous behavior in traffic, road checks will be redesigned and reinforced”.

In this regard, the publication gave the floor to the Director General of the National Road Safety Agency (ANASER), Cheikhou Oumar Gaye, appointed head of this structure on November 24 and who will start his activities on May 23 by a national road safety awareness campaign.


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