Accusation of sexual violence: Directors Jacquot and Doillon in custody

According to investigators, they should be questioned about the allegations. The actress and director Judith Godrèche accuses Jacquot of having raped her when she was a minor. Doillon is said to have sexually abused her when she was a minor. The two men deny the allegations.

Godrèche, 52, accuses Jacquot of having a harmful influence on her during a relationship she entered into with the then 40-year-old when she was 14. The relationship lasted from 1986 to 1992, and the couple even bought an apartment in Paris during this time. She accuses director Doillon of sexually abusing her during the filming of one of his films.

Actress Isild Le Besco also accuses Jacquot of raping her during a relationship between 1998 and 2007. The relationship began when she was 16 and he was 52.

The 34-year-old actress Julia Roy has also filed a lawsuit against Jacquot for sexual violence, which, according to informed sources, took place “in an environment of violence and moral turmoil that lasted for several years.”

“Can finally explain himself to the courts”

Both directors arrived at the criminal police in Paris in the morning, accompanied by their lawyers. Jacquot “can finally explain himself to the justice system,” said his lawyer Julia Minkowski, criticizing the fact that the director had been taken into custody for a hearing. Doillon’s lawyer Marie Dosé said there was no justification for taking him into custody “36 years” after the events alleged by Godrèche.

Godrèche reacted to the arrest on Instagram: “I’m crying (…). I don’t know if I have the strength, but I will,” she said, posting a photo of herself as a young girl with Jacquot.

Godrèche is one of the most important representatives of the MeToo movement in France. She had already given a sensational speech on the subject at the César Film Awards. In it, she denounced “the extent of impunity, denial and privilege” in the film world. It should not be tolerated that the art of film is misused “as a cover for the illegal trafficking of young girls”.


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