Accuracy: The “every day low price” is coming to supermarkets

Attack on all fronts by the government and especially the Ministry of Development in order to control the accuracy which seems to be out of control.

THE Minister of Development Kostas Skrekas heralds new legislative interventions in order to keep prices low, while declaring in all tones that the checks will be joined and violators will be faced with the penalties provided by law.

The general alarm that has been sent to the government staff also has to do with the fact that the data announced on Friday by ELSTAT, not only cause concern, but bring despair to consumers, who see their suffering as eternal without a ray light.

Over 700 products on sale

“In many categories of the products that have been announced for a permanent price reduction, the discount is more than 5%. In flours, the discount is more than 5%, it is 10%. The new prices announced by the suppliers to the Ministry of Development are 10% lower than the prices before September 19. 5% is the minimum price reduction. Many companies choose to have a bigger price reduction”, said the Minister of Development yesterday.

For products participating in “permanent price reduction”the Minister of Development emphasized that “the goal was to have 500 products. Already yesterday we surpassed 740 products from 63 companies and in 50 different categories. Our goal is to reach 1000 different products. We encourage consumers to take advantage of the household basket and the permanent price reduction initiative because” – as K. Skrekas pointed out – “stimulates competition and drives down prices”.

New legislative intervention is coming

At the same time, he noted that “we are planning a new legislative regulation where we will achieve permanently low prices on the shelf. What we call every day low price, the so-called ”every day low price”, as they call it abroad. We want the companies to proceed with a permanent price reduction and when they do a promotion to be real, the discount to be real.”

Asked how the phenomenon of profiteering will be limited, the Minister of Development replied: “With checks on filthy lucre. Greece is the only country, which has passed a law in the Hellenic Parliament, has put a ceiling on the profit margin of the companies, where the profit margin cannot exceed the profit margin that the company had in 2021, before the accuracy starts. If he is going to make more profit today that there is this explosive situation for households. Greece is the first country to impose fines on multinational companies. And we will put it back if we see that they make a profit in relation to 2021” noting that “we are designing a legislative arrangement with which we will achieve permanently low prices on the shelf”.

K. Skrekas pointed it out collective message of the Government and the Prime Minister: “No hesitation, check on profiteering, impose fines on everyone and do whatever is necessary to get the prices down and the consumer to see a result.”

Source: Daily

#Accuracy #day #price #coming #supermarkets



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