Accuracy check: Christmas bonus up to 200 euros

The “accuracy check” which concerns the financial support of vulnerable social groups, will come from the extraordinary taxation of the surplus profits of the refineries, with the decision to grant it having already been published in the Government Gazette.

The emergency benefit concerns approximately 1,900,000 citizens, with the list including pensioners with personal difference balances who are excluded from the new increases in January, families with children, the disabled, uninsured seniors and thousands of others who fall into the vulnerable category.


-The 767,000 beneficiaries of OPECA’s child allowance will receive an additional installment of child allowance.

-The 220,000 beneficiaries of the OPECA disability allowance and the beneficiaries of the non-institutional allowance and other disability allowances of the e-EFKA will receive an aid of 200 euros.

-The 35,000 uninsured elderly beneficiaries of the corresponding OPECA allowance will receive a 200 euro subsidy.

-The 205,000 beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income will receive an additional 50% of the monthly allowance during the month of December.

The 700,000 pensioners with a personal difference will receive an extraordinary financial aid of 100-200 euros as follows:

– For those who receive the sum of their main pensions up to 700 euros, an aid of 200 euros will be given.

-For those who receive the sum of main pensions up to 1100 euros, an aid of 150 euros will be given.

– For those who receive the sum of main pensions up to 1600 euros, an aid of 100 euros will be given.

The Temporary Solidarity Contribution (accuracy check) has an urgent, temporary and extraordinary nature and is imposed on the surplus profits in the tax year 2023 of the liable parties and is calculated as follows:

P.S.A. = {Taxable profits for tax year 2023 – [120% x 1/4 x (φορολογητέα κέρδη ή ζημίες φορολογικών ετών 2018 + 2019 + 2020 + 2021)]} x 33%.

Taxable profits or losses for the calculation of excess profits are the taxable profits or losses of the debtor, taken into account for the imposition of income tax, without taking into account losses of past years that are carried forward. If the tax year 2023 result is a loss, no accuracy check is payable.

When the sum of the taxable profits or losses of the tax years 2018 to 2021 is negative, it is considered to be nil.

In case the debtor was established or carries out operations after the tax year 2018, the reference amount is adjusted according to its years of operation, that is, the sum of the taxable profits or losses of the years of operation of the debtor is divided by the number of these years.

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#Accuracy #check #Christmas #bonus #euros



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