According to Padrino, the protests are an attempt at a “media coup”

The Minister of Defense, General in Chief Vladimir Padrino López, issued a statement on Tuesday, July 30, in the company of the high military command, to “reject, on behalf of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, all violent actions promoted by the Venezuelan extreme right”.

He assured that these protests “They are expressions of hatred and irrationality that are part of a preconceived plan by political groups that knew they had been defeated. But they also represent an attempt at a media coup d’état, supported on social networks and backed by American imperialism and its external and internal allies.”.

Padrino said that at the moment they already add up 23 military personnel and 25 police officers injured, who are receiving proper medical care; equally First Sergeant José Antonio Torrents Blanca diedPlaza de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana, due to a gunshot wound to the neck.

“The FANB reiterates its unwavering commitment to peace. However, we will act decisively in perfect civic-military-police unity, to preserve internal order throughout the national territory, always within the framework of the Constitution and the laws, as well as respect for human rights.”he indicated

He added that “We reaffirm the most absolute loyalty and unconditional support to citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our Commander in Chief, who has been legitimately reelected by the People’s Power and proclaimed by the Electoral Power for the next presidential period 2025 – 2031”. He did not refer to the absence of complete election results from the CNE.

#Padrino #protests #attempt #media #coup
2024-08-02 02:36:47



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